24 Responses

  1. Jen
    Jen at |

    Thanks for the blog and giveaway! The Guy from Glamour sounds good.

    I was the oldest of five and it definitely affected the person I became. As a kid, I often had to take care of my younger siblings and help solve their problems. And, I am still doing that as an adult both at home with my own family and at work with my work team.

  2. Allison
    Allison at |

    Did my birth order impact my personality? Definitely. I am the baby too but my brother is 20 years older than me so it was more like growing up as an only child with a very close Uncle or cousin. Plus my parents were in a very different place when I was born compared to when my brother was born in basically every way. Great question! Thank you for the giveaway.

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’m the youngest, but I think it’s birth timing that affected me more–my brother’s nearly ten years older. My mom always calls us “her two only children.” My brother is very paternal at times!

  4. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    I’m the oldest in the family but I don’t know if just that fact influenced my personality. There was a lot more going on that I’m not comfortable talking about.

  5. Peaches
    Peaches at |

    What a fun, fun excerpt! I can’t wait to read this book. 🙂

    Oh, birth order. Great topic! As the oldest, I was often caretaker and helper. Where my sibling was able to get away with things more easily, my parents expected me to be the responsible one, the one to know better. I’d say I had a more serious upbringing than my sibling. Also with first born kids, there’s a lot of experimentation, and by the second and third child, parents have “perfected” their method (or just more able to let things slide!).

  6. Cate
    Cate at |

    I’m the oldest, and I don’t think that has directly affected my personality, but it definitely affects the way others in the family treat me. There is a different dynamic between my parents and my younger sister and my parents and me. But sometimes that’s a good thing! 😉

  7. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Youngest of 5 daughters here, but in ways I feel like the older of the two closest to me. The book sounds amazing, thank you for the chance to win.

  8. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    I’m the youngest of two, myself. My sister and I were very close growing up, and I don’t know if this has to do with birth order or not, but I am definitely a follower, not a leader. Show me what to do, and I’ll do it! Otherwise… I’ll sit in the back of the class and observe, thank you.

  9. Valeri
    Valeri at |

    I come from a small family. I only have one sibling, and after my parents divorced the families divorced per se…. But I am very different from my parents and brother. I think part of it was how i grew up and then leaving home for college made me grow up differently. I am always curious about big families since its so different. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  10. Two Giveaway Links for The Guy From Glamour! | skylarmcates

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  11. Amanda McD
    Amanda McD at |

    It is only my older sister and I, and we are 18 months apart. We are complete opposites in personality and i think this helped growing up. We didn’t seem to fight over everything as much. My sister was in boys and make-up and I was a gamer.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  12. Ninna
    Ninna at |

    Ahh, family. Gotta love them, right?

    I’m the youngest of four AND only girl, so I’ve been spoiled a bit (only a bit. Swear) AND had the pleasure of three additional rearers! It has definitely had an impact on me as a person. My oldest brother’s memory of our childhood doesn’t quite match mine, for whatever reason.

  13. Jbst for
    Jbst for at |

    I was born a middle child, and birth order did have an impact on me. I remember trying to find a special role or spot that was just for me. I really like your posting about birth order and the excerpt. Thanks for the contest!

  14. Carissa
    Carissa at |

    I’m the second oldest of four, but the oldest girl in the family. Not exactly sure what is supposed to make me, since I’m kind of in the middle, but not really. I did tend to be the peace maker in the family–conflict just makes me squirm–and I guess I’ve taken on a bit of a caretaker role as I grew up–is it odd that cleaning actually calms me down?–though I am not sure how much of this is just me and how much of it was because of birth order.

    I really liked this book (review will be up Saturday!) Anthony’s family was just great and Dean…well he just stole my heart. And Rick…well I don’t condone violence (except, apparently, on fiction characters), but buddy-boy got what he deserved.

  15. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    I’m the youngest of 3, all girls. I’ve never spent much time thinking of birth order, but I do know that I’m happy to observe/follow most of the time.
    This book sounds wonderful! 🙂

  16. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Coming from a large Italian family I can relate to your excerpt – poor Anthony 🙂 I am the middle of 3 kids and was always the peacemaker of the three of us as well as the nurturer. I do think birth order matters in sibling dynamics. Thanks for the giveway – I have this on my wish list in case I don’t win a copy 🙂

  17. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I am the youngest of three. Never easy. The book sounds amazing.

  18. Jill P
    Jill P at |

    I am an only child so I am learning all about sibling relationships from my two daughters…..It is challenging at times!
    Thanks for the giveaway! jasdarts at hotmail dot com

  19. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I have a pretty big family and I’m the second youngest. My family tends to be overly protective of me and I’ve found it’s a nice feeling although a bit stifling when I was younger. It was hardto do things without them constantly calling me.

    I really love books with nice family atmospheres so this really appeals to me. Thank you for the giveaway =)

  20. Suze
    Suze at |

    I’m the oldest of 2 girls, though my sister is only 15 months younger, so we were dfinitley sibling rivals during the teenage years and probably think of each other as equals, without that big age gap.
    I do always remember in primary school suddenly realising some of my friends weren’t in the same family relationship I was – they had older siblings or were in the middle – I’d gone for a few years, not really thinking about it but, assuming they were all the eldest too.

  21. Carolyn
    Carolyn at |

    I love when authors pay attention to dynamics like birth order. Even if we don’t see it playing out on the page, it does impact character traits, just like in real life. I’m the youngest with 2 older brothers closer in age to each other than to me. Obviously not only those facts, but my brothers being who they were affected how I am. I think if you have a first born, no matter what, they’re going to be a certain way because the parents are usually new at the whole raising a kid thing and that’s the only child to pay attention to, and with the last, they are usually over many of the hang-ups they may have had in the beginning but then that child seems so much younger than the oldest in comparison. How can your place in the family not affect you? Thanks so much for sharing more about The Guy From Glamour and also a copy to win!

  22. Rita
    Rita at |

    I am the next to the youngest of five siblings. It didn’t affect my personality that much because you would think that being one of the younger siblings I would be spoiled but it was the other way around.

  23. stella
    stella at |

    i’m an only child and I think it did affect my personality, maybe it makes me more shy ( or maybe it’s just me I don’t know)…
    good question skylar I need to think more about this…

  24. Danielle
    Danielle at |

    Winner selected congrats Barbra


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