27 Responses

  1. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    Congrats on your new book. I really like your cover, which I know for self published authors can be one of your many challenges to handle.

    1. Danielle
      Danielle at |

      to enter the give away please add an email adres

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    I love the scope of m/m, and I’m curious to read this story!

    1. Danielle
      Danielle at |

      Leave your email Trix 🙂

  3. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    I find that I no longer even think about whither a story has m/m, m/f, f/f or any variation of those. It’s the romance I want to read about. And that was a really intriguing excerpt. I’d love to read more. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Laurie P

  4. Dorome
    Dorome at |

    This book really sounds interesting. I would love a chance to win it.

    1. Danielle
      Danielle at |

      than add you email 🙂

      1. Dorome
        Dorome at |

        Dorome at gmx dot de
        I thought I put in the corresponding field. Sorry.

  5. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    This sounds interesting. I liked the excerpt and loved the tagline: “There’s a fine line between love and sin.”

    A while ago I watched a good Brazilian movie – “From Beginning to End” – with similar themes. It is available on Amazon but not Netflix – speaking to your censorship comments.

    Thanks for the post and the giveaway.

    jen (dot) f (at) mac (dot) com

  6. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    Sounds like a good read,my kind of book.

    1. Danielle
      Danielle at |

      email adres please!

  7. Loren
    Loren at |

    Please count me in, thank you for the extract, and the chance. mevalem258 {at} gmail {dot} com

  8. Linda C
    Linda C at |

    I would like the opportunity to read this. Thank you.


  9. Maeve
    Maeve at |

    Oh boy oh boy in boy! Loving the sound of this!
    I’ve wanted to read something by this new-to-me author for some time now.
    Queenmightymaeve at gmail dot com.

  10. Debra E
    Debra E at |

    Love the Broken series and am looking forward to reading this one!


  11. Vicky Huntington
    Vicky Huntington at |

    I brought this book yesterday and read it till I was finished . I loved it . It was my first book that I had the pleasure of reading by you and probally wont be the last, I wont give away its content but I unterstand how and why I love this book Thanks I would Love and actual hard cover hehe

  12. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    INtriguing. The blurb and the excerpt certainly make you want more.

  13. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’m going to go ahead and admit I’ve always loved reading incest themed m/m fiction. I haven’t been able to find too many and can probably count on both hands the titles I’ve read involving incest between brothers. I’m really excited to see that you’ve just released one.

    1. H.B.
      H.B. at |

      forgot to leave my email addy: humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  14. Birte (@Moonlightie)
    Birte (@Moonlightie) at |

    I have to admit that I’m not entirely sure about the incest-topic, but so far I’ve enjoyed lots of books written by Kol Anderson that I want to give it a try. And hey, to win a copy would be the best start 😀

    Greetings from Germany

  15. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    Hunter, Kayden, Jacob. This now has me intrigued as to who’s related to whom. And how do they know they’re soulmates? My asking questions is always a good thing, lol.


  16. Kol Anderson
    Kol Anderson at |

    Thanks for the messages everyone.

  17. Kol Anderson
    Kol Anderson at |

    I’m compiling a collection of all the shorts into one paperback book. 🙂

  18. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    I certainly hope the censorship fiasco gets stomped out, because books like these are the ones I devour. Can’t wait to read more!


  19. Carolyn
    Carolyn at |

    It’s a sad truth that we have had books out for generations now about the dangers of thought police and censorship, and yet there are those in power who’ve not learned a thing. Talk about a great example of why we need more books, not less. I don’t know how people got so comfortable with telling other people what they should think or express, but it turns into a pretty ugly thing. I can’t imagine what we’d have left to read if everything that someone found objectionable was taken away from us. Maybe the back of a shredded wheat container.

    I’ve read some thoughtful, well-written books with an incest theme, The Brothers Bishop comes to mind, and I think it’s a topic worthy of exploration, just like anything that’s happening in our world. Will it be for everyone? No. But no one’s saying you have to read it, just that it’s available. I think the problem is that people read “incest” and think of the horrible crimes that happen against children by members of their family. (This obviously should still be written about, just not in celebration or glorifying.) Or if they’ve stumbled on any of that “happy-incest-porn,” which is laughable and insulting, they might want to turn away. For me, when I’m reading a story that has an incest theme, I want there to be an exploration of who these people are, why they made these decisions, what are the ramifications, etc. That’s the type of story I’m looking for, and it sounds like Soulmate does that.

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

  20. Judi P
    Judi P at |

    I know exactly how you feel. I felt like I found a whole other world of freedom when I found gay novels. For so long it was like… well, they didn’t exist. Now they’re everywhere! But then.. yes… now, publishers and sites are restricting what a reader can read. I don’t want ANYONE telling me what I can or cannot read. It’s not for them to decide. It’s such a huge step back to have amazon, paypal and all these other publishers say “it’s disgusting or taboo or inappropriate” to publish. I hate it.

    Oh god, I really want to read this book!! This sounds so fantastic and OMFG YES!! It’s been so long since I last read an Incest book… ahhh! o< May I ask… will it only be published an amazon? For the very reason that they've banned book that they deemed "inappropriate" (yet, there's a bunch of M/F with the same material) I no longer purchase from them. 🙁 shit… I guess I'm just going to have to look at this book from afar… but so glad you wrote it.

    Thank you so very much for the contest!!! <3 <3
    I hope I have the chance to win it. LOL…

    Judi P

  21. Eugenecel Tonogbanua
    Eugenecel Tonogbanua at |

    Wow! I want to win one, please. I live in the Philippines… Is this possible? 🙂


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