22 Responses

  1. Sarah
    Sarah at |

    I saw Bump in the Night on Riptide’s website and I’m torn; on the one hand I’m curious, very curious…on the other – I know I’m a bit fragile mentally right now, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon, so the book could very well be too dark for me. I’m still working up to reading Flesh Cartel 9 & 10… Argh 🙂

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      Haha, I will freely admit that Flesh Cartel is too brutal for me. They do an excellent job with it, but dang! Heavy stuff. For me, the content in Bump is easier to handle because it’s supernatural stuff — demons and monsters as villains are much less likely to give me nightmares than humans. XD

      Take it at your own pace, though. No story is worth wrecking your mental state for. 😉

  2. Theo
    Theo at |

    Your story sounds scary and delicious. I think it’s a win. However, now I am worried I’ll be up all night questioning all the choices made by Josef. Will I do the same if I am in his shoes?

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      Does it sound terrible if I say I hope you do lose a little sleep over it? Writing something that sticks with a reader like that feels like such a victory. 🙂

  3. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Sounds like fun, just in time for Halloween.

  4. Trix
    Trix at |

    Looks very intense, but compelling!

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      Heh, thanks! It’s been a fun collection to be part of. And I think Rachel did a really great job choosing the order for the stories — the intensity of the horror (and kink) varies from one story to the next, and they’re organized to give you a bit of a breather in between the most hard-hitting ones.

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Sounds like a fun Halloween read. I’m looking forward to giving this one a try.

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      I hope you enjoy it! :3

  6. Julia
    Julia at |

    Yes. I will read this! 😉
    Thanks Laylah, sounds really good!
    goingtoreadnow at gmail dot com

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      And that’s the best “yes” of all, of course. 😉
      I hope you enjoy it! (And all the others, too.)

  7. Edge Case
    Edge Case at |

    […] a blog tour on! I’m up today, and you can find me over at Sid Love, posting about the horror of a well-placed “yes.” I knew this would have to be my discussion topic pretty much as soon as we got the heads-up to start […]

  8. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    I’m generally not a horror fan, but when it comes to erotic horror, I have a train-wreck fascination with it…. I just can’t make myself look away!

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      Heh, right where we want you! 😉

      I do think that’s really what erotic horror is aiming for — the balance between horror’s “flinch from this” and erotica’s “come closer and linger.” When it goes just right, that’s perfect squirming territory. mmmm.

  9. Lov
    Lov at |

    Kinky horror ? I’m very interested ! Mouahahahaha

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      For my money Kari Gregg takes the kinky grand prize in the collection, but she has some stiff (heh) competition. 😉

  10. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    Great title along with the cover. Sounds spooky and sexy.

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      I love the cover so much! The artist has a stop scheduled on this blog tour, and I’m really looking forward to seeing that one.

  11. Cynthia
    Cynthia at |

    Sounds like a great read. It has a great cover too, got a lot going on in the background.

    1. Laylah
      Laylah at |

      Isn’t it gorgeous? The artist, Vongue, managed to work in elements from several of the stories, and I died a tiny bit when we first got to see it, because those shining runes and the glowing crystal embedded in his heart both come from mine. I got *so lucky*. 😀

  12. Marie
    Marie at |

    This sounds like an anthology that will capture the interest of several readers. Thank you for the chance to win!

  13. Ariel
    Ariel at |

    This is a lovely, intelligent post– I really enjoyed how you point out that the crucial part of what makes this type of story horror is that it *is* enthusiastic consent, just for things that the reader might reasonably quail at while the character forges gloriously ahead. Everyone involved may be having a pretty good time… and yet. And yet.

    And yet one can’t stop reading, because the slide into horror is so very compelling.

    Looking forward to this one coming out!


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