4 Responses

  1. hbpattskyn
    hbpattskyn at |

    Thank you so much for the lovely and very thoughtful review. 🙂
    Now, I’d like to know how you were reading my mind about Mark and Brett? No timeline yet, but they have definitely made it known they’d like a happy ending of their own.

    Thanks again,

    1. Nikyta
      Nikyta at |

      Well, thank you so much for the lovely read 🙂 And yay! I’m so glad there are plans for Mark and Brett! I really can’t wait!! It’s going to be soooooo interesting to see things play out between them! Do you think it’ll take place long after what happened to Brett? Or right after? Thank you for stopping by 😀

  2. dani
    dani at |

    great review Nikyta!

    1. Nikyta
      Nikyta at |

      Thanks, Dani!! 😀


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