2 Responses

  1. littlebrighteyes
    littlebrighteyes at |

    Thanks for the review – I loved Bottled up and Uncorked so much – how does it compare to them as I’m unsure his other books could match them and so haven’t tried many others. 😀

    ~Have a beautiful day

    1. Dani
      Dani at |

      sorry for the late reply i didnt see it before 🙂
      Well i am think he is able to find ways to make each of his books unique
      bottled up and uncorked are some of his earlier works so to speak
      there are so many good ones out there and all worth it
      I dont think you will regret reading any of his books
      regarding these books They are very emotional and intense I personally love that
      But i honestly could say you cannot go wrong His love means series is still my favorite series around m/m land 🙂
      thanks for the respons


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