Reviewed by Danielle
TITLE: Love Comes in Darkness (Book #2)
SERIES: Senses
AUTHOR: Andrew Grey
LENGTH: 204 pages
PUBLISHER: DreamSpinner Press
BLURB: Howard Justinian has always had to fight for his freedom. Because he was born blind, everyone is always trying to shelter him, but he’s determined to live his life on his own terms.
When an argument with his boyfriend over that hard-won self-reliance leaves Howard stranded by the side of the road, assistance arrives in the form of Gordy Jarrett. Gordy is a missionary’s son, so helping others is second nature—and he does it in such an unassuming manner that Howard can’t say no.
Life is barely back on track when Howard receives shocking news: his sister died, leaving him her daughter to care for. Howard now faces his greatest challenge yet: for Sophia’s safety, he’ll need to accept help, but will he learn to accept it from Gordy, the one man who will not curb his independence?
After the excellent story Love Comes Silently, I was curious as to what Mr. Grey would come up with for this one. I thought it would be very hard to match that one, let alone top it.
Well Mr. Grey definitely succeeded in doing just that!
Love Comes in Darkness is fantastic! The characters are so real and unique and the differences between them are startling yet so refreshing.
We meet Howard who’s been blind since birth. He lives alone and has been dating Cedic who is a first class jerk in my opinion. When Howard gets left on the side of the highway he meets Gordy, a friendly giant of a man with a soft and genuine soul and heart. Waiting with Gordy for his friends Ken and Patrick, they connect easily! It’s wonderful to see the characters from Love Comes Silently also in this story, together with lovely Hannah!
And when they meet up again it quickly heats up to more after dealing with some ghosts of Gordy’s past. The reader gets to watch as they work on their mutual attraction, opening up more and more.
We read scenes of them bonding while spending time with Ken, Patrick and Hannah. We see the bond grow even more over the visit from Howard’s sister Lizzie and her daughter Sophia.
Just when life seems to be going great, disaster hits and being a fan of this author, it feels like you can almost sense it and feel it coming. Nothing is ever perfect.
When tragedy strikes and trust me without spoiling too much it strikes hard. You get pulled right in the emotional roller-coaster that Howard is on. His grief is perfectly portrayed by the author and you grieve along side him. You worry along with Howard and you sense his despair. The questions he asks are the same you have as a reader.
Gordy’s support is all encompassing and you come to appreciate his quiet strength.
Worth an extra mention is the constant loving presence of Patrick, Ken and Hannah. It is so warm loving and so right into this story.
I have to say I cannot wait for the next story in this series. The characters are unique and real to me as reader and the writing is as usual superb. Mr. Andrew Grey continues to surprise and to explore beyond boundaries in this story cycle and is doing a fantastic job.
The rating? I couldn’t give less than 5 stars!
Please make sure you read both these Senses Series stories if you haven’t yet.
BUY LINK: Dreamspinner Press :: Book Store
Danielle is one of the official reviewers on The Blog of Sid Love.
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Thanks for the review – I loved Bottled up and Uncorked so much – how does it compare to them as I’m unsure his other books could match them and so haven’t tried many others.
~Have a beautiful day
sorry for the late reply i didnt see it before

Well i am think he is able to find ways to make each of his books unique
bottled up and uncorked are some of his earlier works so to speak
there are so many good ones out there and all worth it
I dont think you will regret reading any of his books
regarding these books They are very emotional and intense I personally love that
But i honestly could say you cannot go wrong His love means series is still my favorite series around m/m land
thanks for the respons