8 Responses

  1. taylorvdonovan
    taylorvdonovan at |

    Okay, I’m sold based on this review. Putting this on my TBR list!

    1. Nikyta
      Nikyta at |

      LMAO. Well, I REALLY hope you like it!!!!

  2. Tali Spencer
    Tali Spencer at |

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! Your review nails the characters and their world. 😀

    1. Nikyta
      Nikyta at |

      Thank you! And thank you so much for writing it. I truly did love and enjoy it! Are you planning a sequel?? Will we be able to see more of Vorgell and Madd someday?? And of Petal too of course! 😀

      1. Tali Spencer
        Tali Spencer at |

        There are more adventures in store for the guys, and Petal too. There’s the whole wizard threat, of course, and Vorgell still has an unfulfilled erotic dream to pursue. 😀 So yes, definitely planning a sequel!

        1. Nikyta
          Nikyta at |

          Woohoo! That makes me so happy! I totally can’t wait!!

  3. elizabetta
    elizabetta at |

    Awesome review Nikyta!!

    1. Nikyta
      Nikyta at |

      Thanks so much, Elizabetta!!! 😀


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