21 Responses

  1. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    debby236 at gmail dot com
    The review makes me want to read it.
    It sound unique and a bit different and I crave that. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Elaine Lee
    Elaine Lee at |

    I loved the review, I would love to read this book
    It sound like something I like. THANKS SID FOR THE GIVEAWAY

  3. Shelley
    Shelley at |

    Great review Katinka! 🙂

  4. Urbanista
    Urbanista at |

    brendurbanist at gmail dot com
    I love dark, weird, creepy stories! The creepier the better. I want to read this because I’m intrigued by the power dynamics–neither MC is in control of the situation. Also, magic, spells, and paranormality rock my world! Katinka’s review left me hungry for more. Thanks!

  5. jayanx
    jayanx at |

    Thanks, this looks really good.

  6. Helle
    Helle at |

    Email ID*: helle.roskjar@hotmail.com
    Why would you like to win this book?*: I like to read about a different kind of love or is it really love?!? and that a spell if not doing it right can give you consequences. Supernatural story, creepy, magic, spells, Alternative endings and MC that not have control of their own world.
    Message to the Author and/or Reviewer: Thank you Katinka for you interesting, different and creepy review of the book, that I want to read.

  7. susanmacnicol
    susanmacnicol at |

    Name- Sue
    Email id susanacnicol7@gmail.com
    Hell, who wouldn’t want to read this book after such a great review and blurb? Spells, sexy men, sexual domination by magic, redemption, violence from the sounds of it, and sheer escapism. The very reason I read a book in the first place. To take me somewhere else where I can lose myself for a while and have to be bought back to reality when the family start smacking me on the back of the head to get my attention. I’d love to read this book.

    1. susanmacnicol
      susanmacnicol at |

      Hmm. My email address, Sid, is actually susanmacnicol7@gmail.com. The one I left in the comment has a typo. I’d hate to miss out if I actually won anything *winks*

  8. janine
    janine at |


    The reason i want to read this is to see if i can handle a book without a hea. This seems to be a book that is going to let me ignore all others. And that i love!

  9. Löni
    Löni at |

    Name*: Löni
    Email ID*: leo.v.s(at)aol(dot)de
    Why would you like to win this book?*: well Katinka makes the book look unusual and who couldn’t resist an unusual book?

  10. Gigi
    Gigi at |

    Loved the blurb! Please count me in. Thanks!!!

  11. arella3173
    arella3173 at |

    Judi P
    I would love to win this book because I haven’t read any Rowan McBride books and this seems like a wonderful place to start. It sounds so intriguing! I love books that have dark elements like this seems to. xD

  12. kefrayba
    kefrayba at |

    I love Rowan McBride’s works, sadly they were not a lot of them around for me to enjoy them. I haven’t read ‘Want Me’ yet, hence, wanting to win one. But I have read ‘Just Perfect’ and that one felt like it has the similar theme as this one.

  13. darleneg77
    darleneg77 at |

    Darlene G.Thanks for the
    After reading the review, the book sounds fascinating. Count me in =)
    And thank you to the Author for offering up a copy for a giveaway! How cool =)

  14. Pomma (@Pommawolf)
    Pomma (@Pommawolf) at |

    What a unique premise for a story! I love the review, and definitely want to read this one. You’re a new author to me, and I would love to be counted in this giveaway. I’ve added this to my gotta have list along with the rest of your titles.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    pomma @akwolf.com

  15. Gigi
    Gigi at |

    Very interesting blurb!

  16. Leni
    Leni at |

    I would love to read this, I am sure it will be a must finish in one go book. Every book by Rowan has been ‘different’ which is great. For some reason I wasnt able to get a copy of this in the past. Thanks for the contest. Please enter me.

  17. Macky
    Macky at |

    Sounds really intriguing Katinka. You’ve persuaded me to try this. Great review! 🙂

  18. Katinka
    Katinka at |

    Thanks Macky. It was definitely an intriguing read!

    Everyone, good luck winning that copy!^^

  19. Zeoanne
    Zeoanne at |

    zeoanne at gmail dot come

    Intriguing to say the least and now I need to know the outcome of this ‘magical’ relationship! Thanks for the Review, Sid!

  20. elizabetta
    elizabetta at |

    Excellent review Katinka! Just got this one and can’t wait to get into it!


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