15 Responses

  1. susana
    susana at |

    One of your comfort reads is also one of mine: Muscling Through by JL Merrow. I simply love it, it makes me feel good. Others are Hottie Scotty and Mr Porter by R. Cooper or the Student Prince by FayJay

  2. Anyta
    Anyta at |

    Fantastic list! Thank you for sharing (and being mentioned!). TJ Klune’s Bear, Otter, & the Kid is one of my all-time re-reads.
    I have to check out Empty Nests, I haven't read that one!

  3. Alex
    Alex at |

    A lot of Jay Northcote’s books are low angst or even angst free! There are some more difficult but…. Roe Horvat’s Vanilla Clouds and Dirty Mind. Aidan Wayne’s Showers, flowers, and fangs, and Not So Cookie Cutter are also wonderful. Erin McLellan’s Candy Hearts.

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    The ones I’ve just read recently…that have left an impression, include:

    For Sam, time Infinity by Suki Fleet

    As well as ARC’s I just finished:
    Dancing with a Star by Grace Kilian Delaney
    Revelations by Nikole Knight
    Exasperating by Onley James

    1. Kaje
      Kaje at |

      Some new ones to me there, (although I do enjoy Suki Fleet’s writing.) I’ll have to keep an eye out for those books when they come out.

  5. edenwinters
    edenwinters at |

    One of my favorite comfort reads (or listens, since I’m an audiobook fan) is Wanted: Bad Boyfriend by T.A. Moore. PD Singer’s Tail Slide is a cute short. I mean, who wouldn’t love an otter shifter and a box of Cheerios? Also, Megan Derr’s Tournament of Losers.

    1. Kaje
      Kaje at |

      Ooh, Otter shifters. I will have to check that out. Thanks for the suggestions.

  6. Kelly Richardson
    Kelly Richardson at |

    Anything by Alexis Hall

    NR Walker’s Red Dirt Heart series and Imago are faves

    KJ Charles.

    K Sterling’s Boys of Lake Cliff

    LJ Hayward’s Death and the Devil series

    Have to mention Julie Bozza!

    I better go before I add any more or we’ll be here all night 😄

    Everyone take care of yourselves and enjoy your reads

    Kelly J.

    1. Kaje
      Kaje at |

      Oh yes, Julie Bozza’s “Butterfly Hunter” and “The Apothecary’s Garden” are great comfort reads.

  7. Jack
    Jack at |

    There’s a trio of books by Alyx J Shaw called “A Strange Place in Time” These books are my comfort reads. They have Gay characters, straight characters, trans characters. Elves, half elves, dragons,dwarves, Gods, magic and a motorcycle gang. The books read as if Douglas Adams and Erma Bombeck had a love child with JRR Tolkien.

    1. Kaje
      Kaje at |

      I’m not familiar with those – I’ll have to check them out, thanks <3

  8. regencyfan93
    regencyfan93 at |

    My bought-and-TBR list grew so much form this post. A sale at Smashwords includes books mentioned here and some of Kaje’s books, which helped keep costs down.

    I was interested to see Chase in Shadow as a comfort read as one of mine is Dex in Blue from the same series. Bad things happen, but in the end you know that Kane and Dex will work things out. Both are in a better place at the end than they were at the beginning of the book.


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