11 Responses

  1. brinabrady
    brinabrady at |

    Thank you. Excellent article.

    1. joshlanyon
      joshlanyon at |

      I’m glad you found it useful!

  2. clarelondon
    clarelondon at |

    What an excellent post, Josh. It sums the situation up succinctly (frankly yet with compassion *g*). We’re already in a reduced market, and many of us promote and sell only (i) in that group and (ii) among the people we know already. I don’t know if our genre will ever expand fully into other reading pools – I surely hope so, and may come begging to ask you to contribute to a post Val Kovalin and I are drafting slowly about the crossover – but I have my doubts. However, some of the best feedback I’ve ever had is from people who hadn’t read my genre before.

    Whatever the future, I am all about honesty, in what one writes, reads and sells, and your post is a great support to that.

    1. joshlanyon
      joshlanyon at |

      I think the readership is expanding, and that’s good news. But expanded or not, there are still only so many seats atop the bus. 🙂 And the more realistic we all are about writing as a profession, the less crazy we will all be 😉

  3. Felice Stevens (@FeliceStevens1)
    Felice Stevens (@FeliceStevens1) at |

    As usual, an excellent and thoughtful post. But above all, truthful, though many will not want to hear it.

    1. joshlanyon
      joshlanyon at |

      Yes, for some reason people really do struggle with this one. But it’s like struggling against the laws of gravity. 😉

  4. Elin Gregory
    Elin Gregory at |

    This needed to be said. 🙂 defining ones goals can be the difference between contentment and despair.

  5. Rj Scott
    Rj Scott at |

    Excellent article… my iPhone ate my more comprehensive response… but I fully believe there is compromise in everything. 🙂

  6. Ebookaficionada
    Ebookaficionada at |

    Passing this along to my writer friends. Inspiring and honest look at success.

  7. Beverley Jansen
    Beverley Jansen at |

    Direct but compassionate article. As a new author I know I need honesty as much as I need compassion.

  8. Compromise and Success | RJ Scott
    Compromise and Success | RJ Scott at |

    […] think to any writer it’s an important post and you should go read it in full.You can read it here:  I have compromised in my writing career, I doubt there is an astute writer out there who […]

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