5 Responses

  1. Carissa
    Carissa at |
  2. Donna
    Donna at |

    LOVE your review! That is a perfect description of the angst in this book. Can’t wait to read your reviews on the next two books 🙂

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      lol. yeah, i had a lot of fun thinking up ways to describe the angst in this book. Hopefully, if the schedule has not changed again, book two review should be up tomorrow. Looking forward to it. I don’t do it a lot, but I like writing reviews for whole series of books.

  3. Denise Dechene
    Denise Dechene at |

    Great review!!! 🙂 Said so much better than I could ever thought of myself.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Thank you so much. 😀


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