Title: Earth’s Craving
Author: Emily Carrington
Publisher: Changeling Press
Release Date: February 21, 2025
Cover Art: Angela Knight
Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, New Releases, Paranormal, Romance
Themes: Bisexual, Multisexual, Pansexual & Transsexual, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Gay, Multicultural & Interracial, Shapeshifters, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters
Series: Dragon Lost (#1)
Multiverse: Searchlight Academy (#13)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 84
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When werewolf and dragon meet, will their need for each other defeat all their well-intentioned plans?
Tom, a land dragon, is so large he’s earned the nickname “Earth.” His dragon herd takes advantage of him until he’s sold to a pair of basilisks. Unfortunately for them, Tom’s mating plans don’t include repopulating the basilisk species. Time to make his escape…
Kailee, psychic disaster and frightened “rehabilitated” werewolf, is new to adulting, but she’s been through enough to make her a force to be reckoned with. Transgender, she is burdened with not one, but three psychic abilities. The overabundance of power tends to make her a little off-balance…
Will Kailee be able to protect Tom from those hunting him? Can Tom learn to trust? Or will their need for each other defeat all their well-intentioned plans?
Earth’s Craving (Dragon Lost 1)
Emily Carrington
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2025 Emily Carrington
Kailee frowned down at her recalcitrant cock. It refused to be tucked into the lacy underwear she’d bought specifically for this occasion. Of course, that was definitely due to the running of her thoughts but still, couldn’t the damned thing go at least a little flaccid so she could finish getting ready for her majority ceremony?
She’d gotten the upper part of her body ready, stuffing her A-cup bra to give her the mildest slope of breasts. As a werewolf, she was muscular with little in the way of pudge to soften her angles.
Giving up on her cock for the moment, she concentrated on applying her makeup. Her Germanic heritage meant she was Morticia Addams pale, but, hell, the actress who’d played that role was exquisitely gorgeous.
Kailee warmed her coloring with foundation, painted her eyes and her lips, and applied blush. Feeling more like a princess than she had when she’d started this process an hour ago, she congratulated herself on estimating correctly how long it would take her to get ready. She tended not to spend long on her physical appearance, although if she was able to win over the two male wolves she longed for, this might become a regular routine.
She frowned slightly at that idea. It was exciting getting ready for her majority ceremony, but how would she feel if she had to take these pains every single day? She pushed that unpleasant thought aside. Maybe she’d get faster at this as time marched on.
Now it was time to don her panties and skirt. Felix had bought the skirt for her, with her input, after she was released from the SearchLight rehabilitation center in Des Moines. She hadn’t asked for the shopping trip, but he’d said she needed cheering up. He’d been right. Living in what was essentially a facility for dangerous magical creatures, even if she’d gotten medical and psychological help, had flattened her spirit. Only her doctors, Taube Georg, and Felix had seemed to believe in her ability to heal.
It was Felix’s trust that she hoped was deeper than a friend’s caring. She was attracted to Taube Georg too, but it was Felix she fantasized about. Of course, the two of them were a couple, together for longer than she’d been alive. Would they accept her as their third? Taube Georg was bisexual, although Felix wasn’t. Would her wearing female clothing put Felix off? Probably not, she told herself as she frowned again at her recalcitrant, half hard penis. Felix knew what was hidden under her skirts.
He might actually already know of her interest and had been abstaining because she wasn’t a fully adult werewolf yet. Still, how could she approach either of them with a bulge in her southern hemisphere? She needed to do something about that, and quickly.
So, steeling herself, she picked up the icy water glass she’d been sipping from to ease her nervousness-caused dry throat. She pressed the chilly glass against her balls and hissed. Her cock deflated and she let out a sigh of relief as she took the glass away. Damn, but that had been fiendishly cold. At least it didn’t burn, unlike the time she’d been rubbing another magical creature’s back with a menthol-based muscle relaxer and then, forgetting she had the stuff on her hands ten minutes later, had adjusted herself in preparation for using the bathroom. Oooh, that had burned. The memory of the experience made her balls tighten up, pressing in close. She took advantage of the discomfort and slipped her panties and skirt on.
The skirt was lovely, looking as good hanging from her hips as it had in the store, when she’d been blushing to show it to Felix. It was long and straight, a pencil skirt of soft wool. It was sapphire blue. It almost matched her eyes.
She fidgeted with the skirt for a few moments before glancing at the clock and realizing she might be late if she didn’t stop dillydallying. She looked at her reflection one more time, analyzing her blonde hair for split ends. Finding none, she did her best to stride from the room, her head up and a shield of self-confidence covering her anxiety.
Today, she was an adult. Tonight, she would sleep with Taube Georg and Felix.
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Emily Carrington is a multipublished author of male/male and transgender women’s speculative fiction. Seeking a world made of equality, she created SearchLight to live out her dreams. But even SearchLight has its problems, and Emily is looking forward to working all of these out with a host of characters from dragons and genies to psychic vampires. And in the contemporary world she’s named “Sticks & Stones,” Emily has vowed to create small towns where prejudice is challenged by a passionate quest for equality. Find her on Facebook at Shapeshifter Central or on her website.
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