Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Candy Hearts: An LGBTQIA2S+ Charity Anthology Volume 2 (Part 2)
AUTHORS: Anna Sparrows, BA Tortuga, Becca Seymour, Beck Grey, Bix Barrow, BL Maxwell, CD Rachels, Chantal Mer, D.K. Sutton, David Gray, E.M. Denning, Hinsel Meyer, Jem Wendel, Lee Blair, London Price, Marie Sinclair, Merry Farmer, Minerva Howe, Riley Long, Rye Cox, Stella Rainbow, Susan Scott Shelley, Victoria Gillilan, Zoe Lee
PUSLISHER: self-published
LENGTH: 1539
RELEASE DATE: February 4, 2025
What’s sweeter than a low angst queer romance at Valentine’s Day? How about twenty-three of them in one anthology to help support a good cause?
Each novella in the Candy Hearts Anthology, volume 2, is overflowing with red-hot romance and all the good feels. This volume is all about wrong numbers—wrong phone numbers, addresses, office numbers, seats, and more. If you enjoy serendipity, then you’ll love this collection.
The Candy Hearts Anthology will be available for a limited time, and all proceeds will benefit the Rainbow Railroad.
The participating authors in this volume are:
Anna Sparrows
BA Tortuga
Becca Seymour
Beck Grey
Bix Barrow
BL Maxwell
CD Rachels
Chantal Mer
D.K. Sutton
David Gray
E.M. Denning
Hinsel Meyer
Jem Wendel
Lee Blair
London Price
Marie Sinclair
Merry Farmer
Minerva Howe
Riley Long
Rye Cox
Stella Rainbow
Susan Scott Shelley
Victoria Gillilan
Zoe Lee
My Eel-ectric Valentine by CD Rachels – 4 hearts
This is a cute story with a unique paranormal twist Ardsley is an eel shifter and Tyson is a human who is new to town. Their intro isn’t great because Tyson has made a mistake about the locker he used at the gym. Ardsley is upset about it but Tyson insists on taking him to lunch. Then they agree to a “fake date” for a Valentine’s fundraiser at Ardsley’s work, the Maritime Monsters Institute
But there’s nothing fake about it for Tyson
They have a great time. Cute story with a really sweet father/son relationship too.
A Crush on Coach by D.K. Sutton – 4.75 hearts
Loved this one! Charlie, or Chas as he wants to be known now, left home years ago after a disastrous debacle at the local country fair when he was younger. He has been embarrassed about it ever since. He moved to Kansas City, finished college and now, 5 year after, he’s moved back home with a job as a project manager on a construction outfit that renos home for low income people. He’s proving himself and his family is happy he’s home. He gets an accidental text from his high school wrestling coach – who is also his dad’s best friend! And it’s pretty raunchy. Oh and the man is in the room with him and talking about him. There is a 20 year age gap but clearly Charlie is now an adult LOL! This was so cute! I loved Brad and Charlie. Their families were fun too.
He’s Perfection by David Gray – 4.5 hearts
What an interesting premise! I really enjoyed this story of Dale, the perpetually unlucky and Aaron, the man who everything he touches is golden, but he seems to suck the luck out of everyone around him. Dale inherits his great uncle Luca’s house which is next door to Aaron’s house that he also inherited from his uncle David. They couldn’t be more different. But there is a spark there. Aaron is thrilled that Dale takes his misfortune and accident prone life in stride. He’s had his whole life to get comfortable Dale’s uncle has left a note and Aaron has also found evidence that Luca and David had something more than friendship. Hmmmm. Maybe this could work? These two guys were really sweet and hot together. I’d love to read more about how they navigate their lives
Wrong Number, Right Heart by E.M. Denning – 4 hearts
Sam has a seizure disorder and has been really unlucky in love. He has his best friend Christian and his service dog Ace. Oscar has had a crush on Sam from afar and has been begging Christian to introduce them. He finally gives Sam Oscar’s number. On his way home from the shop where he and Christian had coffee together, Sam feels a seizure coming on. Sam texts Christian to tell him because he’s in the middle of a park and needs help because it’s cold and snowing. But instead he accidently texts Oscar. Oscar immediately goes to the park and eventually finds Sam and Ace. He saves the day and Sam is really embarrassed. But Oscar will not be denied
Fluttering Heart by Hinsel Meyer – 4 hearts
This is a cute story of going to the wrong hotel room and meeting the right guy Finn decides to take his brother to Las Vegas for a weekend away to forget about his cheating ex. Their older brother is a hockey player there and they want to visit him and also take advantage of the distraction in Sin City. Finn’s drunk mistake leads him to meet a really nice guy who happens to be from Chicago
He’s also been unlucky in love, but he’s intrigued by Finn. Maybe this weekend in Vegas as a good idea afterall
Blooming for You by Jem Wendel – 4.5 stars
Nolan has left town for Valentine’s day. He’s a grumpy Gus and he just want to hid away. But then someone comes to the door with flowers. UGH! He is not happy about that! He ends up going to the local Valentine’s gathering with Uli, the man behind the flowers. Uli is a happy guy. They have a good time at the dinner and Nolan ends up asking him out again. It’s a miracle At least that’s what Nolan’s best friend thinks. This is a lovely story of second chances after heartbreak and I loved these two.
[…] Reviewed by Sadonna […]