Good day lovely readers! I’m M.D. Grimm, here to promote my spicy MMF single title, Lady Grace and Her Knights. This is a Medieval fantasy with sword fights, steamy bedroom scenes (that aren’t always in the bedroom), an honorable prince, a gallant knight, and one damsel in distress (though she’d protest that vehemently). It’s a story about friendship, emotional support, desire, and a whole lot of stubbornness. So read on if you’re interested to learn more about Grace (fierce noblewoman), Isaac (her loyal prince), and Samuel (their masked knight), who pines for acceptance and belonging.
When I set out to write this story, my only goal was to finally jot down that “one idea” that kept kicking at the back of my mind. I’d been working on a couple of books for my ongoing series, and they were a bit darker than I intended. Blood of the Whirlwind (The Shifter Chronicles #16), which deals with loss, grief, and purity cults, as well as Opal: Master and Puppet (The Stones of Power #8), which handles family trauma, guilt for past crimes, and the destructive nature of revenge. So, yeah, you could say Lady Grace became a palette cleanser of sorts.
It’s a lighter story that I hope leaves readers feeling snuggly and good about themselves. Who doesn’t want an uplifting read now and again? This was definitely the case of “writing the story you want to read.” And I certainly did that! Considering I wrote just over 10k words that first writing session, that really shows it was ready to emerge! (I average around 5k per session normally)
Grace was the loudest of the cast, and the first chapter in her POV just flew. It’s comforting when I can connect with a character on that level, when their voice is as clear as bell. I adore Grace, she’s kind and nurturing but also fierce and stubborn (and as a good friend informed me, a bit feral). She knows what she wants and goes and gets it. No challenge is too great she can’t overcome. But I think the best part of her is that she owns her sexuality. She’s not ashamed of it and due to supportive parents and a more-than-willing fiancé, she’s been able to express herself, (discreetly of course because noblewoman) but she’s comfortable and sure of herself. She’s a gem.
Samuel, the sullen knight, was the second loudest. He has trauma in his past but managed to push forward, and he’s learned to work with it, through it, and come out the other end with a supportive circle of friends that keep him engaged with the world. His meeting with Grace still makes me grin, no matter how many times I read it.
Oh, Isaac. Dear, sweet Isaac. He was the last to be fully formed. His personality came through as I was writing, and though I imagined him with Golden Retriever energy, he became more Rottweiler energy. Rottweilers can be sweet and goofy and the most lovey darlings but can also be trained to rip out throats. Yeah. That’s him.
As I continued writing Lady Grace I fleshed out the themes and pushed harder on acceptance and friendship. This story is truly “what’s on the inside counts more than the outside,” especially due to Samuel’s facial scars, souvenirs of his trauma. But the trick was to have Grace and Isaac love Samuel not despite his scars, but with his scars. They see the man shining through and will fight for him. As an ace woman and hopeless romantic, I relished how their relationship bloomed and solidified into something meant to endure.
I hope all of you find someone in your life who will fight for you to the bitter end. As the world grows darker, we all deserve someone to hold our hand and stand at our side.
If you’re interested in more tales of love but prefer more sweet and less spice (and enjoy MM romance), then check out A Priest, a Plague, and Prophecy, a single title about Elias, an asexual temple priest, and Gurrkk, the fierce, cinnamon-role orc who adores him.
Or would you rather have more MMF spice? Check out Song of Flames, about a thief and the pair of dragons who fall in love with her (despite her stealing their treasure, so rude!)
If you want to dive into an ongoing MM shifter series, then check out my The Shifter Chronicles—18 books and counting! Most books can be read as stand-alones but for maximum enjoyment, please start with book one, Psychic Moon, available for FREE when you but Direct at my website. (Also, if you buy Direct from me, you save some money!)
As for current projects, I’m currently neck deep in massive revisions for On Wings of Shadow (On Wings 3). Hope to have that finished by the end of the year. Then there’s a very special project I want to finally venture into… all I’ll say is, the main character? He’s my spite manifested. No, I won’t explain.
I truly have something for everyone, and you can sign up for my newsletter to be the first to hear about new releases and upcoming projects! I only send them out once per month, so no spamming your inbox!
Until next time,
May dragons guard your dreams,
M.D. Grimm
M.D. Grimm has a new MMF fantasy romance out: Lady Grace and Her Knights. And there’s a giveaway.
Two knights are better than one…
Lady Grace never expected to be kidnapped. Why would she? She’s a duke’s daughter and about to marry her beloved white knight, Prince Isaac. Although Grace manages to escape the bandits… she doesn’t do it alone. A masked man sweeps her off her feet, and from their first encounter, she knows he’s something special. Thankfully, her betrothed is of a similar mind to her own.
Prince Isaac is equal parts delighted to be reunited with his bride and intrigued by her rescuer, a courteous, quiet man named Samuel. He and Grace always wanted a special third on their wedding night—and in their marriage bed—and Samuel might be the one they’ve been looking for. They simply need to seduce him into believing it as well.
Samuel can’t help but be enraptured by Grace’s beauty and spirit and Isaac’s strength and charm. Hiding behind a mask, he knows they will reject him if they see his devastating scars, but their playful coaxing and suggestive smiles force him to wonder if they are as sincere as they seem.
Convincing Samuel to join them might prove to be their greatest challenge yet. Good thing Grace is a woman who gets what she wants, and Isaac has a royal’s stubbornness.
Samuel doesn’t stand a chance.
Universal Buy Link
M.D. is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card with this tour:
She ran.
Her torn skirt allowed her legs full movement, and she ran despite the lack of light and her questionable balance. She dodged around trees and leapt over roots, praying she wouldn’t trip again. But she didn’t get far before she heard the thunder of hooves behind her, and her balance failed her completely. She collapsed onto the moss and gasped for air, shivering and sick.
Palm sweaty, she gripped the dagger tighter and rolled over, scooting backward to press against a tree. She held the blade in a trembling hand and faced her pursuer. She could handle one easier than a dozen.
A gorgeous black stallion stood a few feet from her. He stamped his hoof and tossed his head, gnawing at the bit. His rider was like a shadow in the dark. Dressed all in black, the hooded, lean figure dismounted, revealing his height and rangy limbs.
He wore a mask. It was also black and though tailored to the shape of his face, it didn’t have features, giving him an eerie, otherworldly visage. It was more like a solid shield of onyx. Dark eyes with an inner brightness stared at her, and as he came closer, she realized the mask also had a cutout for his mouth.
She gritted her teeth and raised her dagger. “One step closer, and I will cut you from navel to nose. I swear to The Three.”
He froze.
As her vision adjusted to the dimness, she peered at his eyes. Though she searched for the same cruelty as was in the bandit’s leader’s gaze, she didn’t find it.
He slowly raised his hands palm out before dropping to one knee in front of her. He bowed his head after pushing back his hood, revealing straight black hair that brushed his shoulders.
She blinked. She’d grown up around knights and realized he moved as one. Who was he?
“I am at your service, my lady,” he said, his deep voice low and calm. “I swear to The Three, I mean you no harm. One of my friends spotted you with the bandits, and I knew we needed to rescue you. We have been after the bandits since they started terrorizing this forest months ago. We cannot stay here long. I need to get back to my friends, and we need to retreat. Unfortunately, we don’t have the means to take them on and win.”
Grace swallowed, wanting to believe him with everything inside her. But her life depended on trusting the right person.
“Take off your mask and let me see your face.”
He flinched.
She frowned.
“Forgive me, my lady. I… cannot. My face is damaged you see, and it wouldn’t be proper for a lady of your standing to see it.”
His words thickened as if emotion was clogging his throat. Sir Alexander—may he rest safely in the bosoms of The Three—had sounded like that when he’d spoken about his two sons. Barely more than lads, they’d died in a war years ago. He’d also take on a solemn, choking tone when he’d mention his own time fighting enemies as a younger man.
Grief and bad memories. His sorrow touched her, and she let her hand drop.
Movement and hurried footsteps had her squinting over his shoulder. She gasped when three bandits rushed them, startling the stallion into a whinny.
The man in black rose to his feet, and in one fluid motion, spun and unsheathed his sword. Without hesitation, he engaged the bandits, acting as a shield. Her shield. His skill with a sword was enviable, as was his fearlessness as axes sliced down at him. He was quick on his feet and bold in his moves. Entranced by his prowess, Grace momentarily forgot her predicament and remembered the times she’d watched Isaac on the training fields with his knights.
“You bloody devil!” One bandit yelled before taking a slice to the chest.
“Masked coward!”
The masked man said nothing as he fought with the fury of ten men.
As one bandit went down with a grunt, bleeding out, another slipped past Samuel and leapt toward her. “Noble bitch. Better you die now. You’re not worth the trouble.”
He raised his axe.
She screamed and raised her knife.
Gleaming steel erupted from the bandit’s chest, blood spraying, a few drops landing on her face. Then the masked man yanked out his sword and tossed the bandit away like refuse.
Shocked, Grace stared past him and noticed the third bandit was already twitching on the ground, groaning as he died. The skirmish hadn’t lasted very long, the brutes not standing a chance against someone with training.
Panting, the masked man wiped his sword on his cloak before sheathing it. He glanced at their surroundings before kneeling once more at her feet. She dropped her hand again and swallowed hard, shaken by what she’d witnessed. The man’s eyes had changed during the battle, a raw battle fury she’d seen in many a knight. But now they returned to their compassionate, concerned gleam.
She cleared her throat. “What is your name?”
“Samuel,” he said, still panting.
M.D. Grimm has wanted to write stories since second grade (kind of young to make life decisions, but whatever) and nothing has changed since then (well, plenty of things actually, but not that!). Thankfully, she has indulgent parents who let her dream, but also made sure she understood she’d need a steady job to pay the bills (they never let her forget it!).
After graduating from the University of Oregon and majoring in English, (let’s be honest: useless degree, what else was she going to do with it?) she started on her writing career and couldn’t be happier. Working by day and writing by night (or any spare time she can carve out), she enjoys embarking on romantic quests and daring adventures (living vicariously, you could say) and creating characters that always triumph against the villain, (or else what’s the point?) finding their soul mate in the process.
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