What was your first published work? Tell me a little about it.
I published my first story when I was 8. I had a stuffed Cocker Spaniel named Crocker that I loved a lot and brought with me everywhere. My mom worked for Crocker Bank and they gave the toy out to customers and employees one Christmas.My mom suggested I write a short story about him and his life. He was married to a duck named Quack Quack and had two sons, a Yorkshire terrier named Magnus and a Cocker Spaniel named Junior. I don’t remember much about the story itself but they went on an adventure in a land made of candy. Junior ate too much chocolate and Crocker fought a witch made of marshamallows. My Mom illustrated the book, bound it herself and we took it to the local branch of Crocker Bank where the branch manager was delighted by the book. He gave me $25 in a savings account in exchange for the book.
How long have you been writing?
I wrote my first story featuring the characters from the Magicals Alliance books when I was 14. Me and my brother played with Legos and I built a rambling Victorian mansion with my blocks. The characters lived in the mansion I built. I wrote down a story based on the adventures I had them go on when playing with my mansion. I turned it in to my English teacher and I remember she told me that there was no such thing as a “Coffered Ceiling” which there is. Also she said my story was unbelievable. Young boys and girls fighting monsters, no way. Turns out she was wrong!
What was the most valuable piece of advice you’ve had from an editor?
My editor Barb is fantastic. She’s no nonsense, which is important for editing. She also is very supportive, also important when you’re an artist such as writer. Her best advice to me was “when in doubt, cut it out.” As a writer I find myself overly explaining things or adding unnecessary detail. When editing it helps me when I read a part of my manuscript and if I’m not sure what to do with it I follow her advice and take it out. She’s helped me polish both my books!
Who has been your favorite character to write and why?
My favorite character is definitely Devlina. She’s unapologetically evil, self-centered, and couldn’t care less about rules, norms, or traditions. Devlina would gladly destroy everything just for the fun of it—but also because she despises the system we live in: a system that’s racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. Writing her was such a thrill because she has the sharpest one-liners, a wicked sense of humor, and serves as a much-needed reality check for Elijah. What makes her truly fascinating, though, is her relationship with power. Devlina loves it above all else, but her pursuit of it constantly puts her at war with herself—her ambition clashes with her vulnerabilities, her desire for freedom contradicts the systems she exploits, and her hunger for control often blinds her to her own flaws. She’s the ultimate portrait of self-conflict, and that’s what makes her so much fun to write.
What are some day jobs that you have held? If any of them impacted your writing, share an example.
I worked in retail in High School, at a large, national, discount chain. I was painfully shy and introverted growing up, so being forced to work retail helped me become more outgoing. I made great friends and had a good time. And when I would have difficult customers, I would imagine they were really vampires or other monsters. There’s a scene where Elijah deals with vampires at his job at Conglomo-Mart based on my own experiences!
We know what you like to write, but what do you like to read in your free time, and why?
I am a big romance reader. LGBT romance in particular. I read either adult or YA romance novels equally. Funny thing is I write fantasy stories, but I’m not really into reading fantasy books!
Describe yourself using… ( a food, a book, a song, a movie, an animal, a drink, a place etc):
“My Way” by Frank Sinatra. He sings about being true to himself no matter what and that is a virtue my Mom drilled into me. Don’t give in to others, blaze your own path and never give up. That is one of the main themes of my books: be your own person and fight to be true to yourself.
Which of your own characters would you Kill? Fling with? Marry? And why?
I’d kill Orville because he’s such an awful person, I’d flirt with Barn because while he’s straight, he’s also comfortable in his skin and would enjoy the attention, and I’d marry Austin because he’s nurturing, protective, funny and wild!
What’s your drink of choice?
I love Pepsi more than Coke. And this was a major element in my book, but my publisher didn’t want me (or other authors) to use brand names for fear of litigation so I had to remove it from the storyline. Instead I changed it to preferring cola to lemon lime soda.
What are you working on now, and when can we expect it?
I am currently revising book 4 in the Magicals Alliance series. Book 3 is under contract with my publisher and expected in 2025. The books are set in the same world as “Resurrecting My Magic” and focus on a different branch of the Delomary family. Expect more battles with monsters, new villains, and sweet romance!
Timoteo Tong has a new MM paranormal fantasy romance out, Magicals Alliance book two: Resurrecting My Magic.
Book one, “Magic, Monsters and Me” is available for just 99¢ January 6th-12th!
In the thrilling sequel to “Magic, Monsters and Me,” Elijah Delomary forges new abilities with new mentors, seeks to reunify with Austin, and faces the terrible truth behind losing his powers. As war rages between Devlina and Zid’dra, Elijah and his family are drawn into the conflict.
Zid’dra grows stronger and brings Elijah to the precipice of destruction. Faced with a terrifying revelation, Elijah is pushed to protect his family, Austin, and the very fabric of existence. The weight of these challenges tests Elijah’s strength, forcing him to confront the darkest forces while proving the unwavering strength of his love to Austin.
As the evil plan comes to light, Elijah forges new abilities with new mentors, seeks to reunify with Austin, and faces the terrible truth behind losing his powers. As war rages between Devlina and Zid’dra, Elijah and his family are drawn into the conflict. Zid’dra grows stronger and brings Elijah to the precipice of destruction. Will he survive? Can he trust himself to do the right thing? Will he believe that love can conquer darkness and save the world?
Warnings: homophobia, racism, bullying, fat phobia, LGBT slurs, fade to black sex
About the Series:
The Magicals’ Alliance series revolves around the influential Delomary family, known for their massive corporation, philanthropy, and charity work. But unbeknownst to the public, they’re also the secret defenders against dark forces, facing off against monsters like Vampires and Werewolves in an age-old battle between good and evil. “Magic, Monsters and Me” is the thrilling first installment in this epic saga. Join them in their mission to protect humanity from perilous extinction.
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Get Book One Now For Just 99¢
Timoteo is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour:
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47322/
“One night, I sat in the window seat in my room, watching the rain falling outside my window, when I heard a cry for help.
“Someone help me!”
I glanced at the clock: 3:00 AM. I padded to the door, peering outside to the long hallway stretching from Aunt Christine’s suite on one end to Mom’s on the other. The darkness was punctuated every few feet from the dim chandeliers overhead. Silence. The house and everyone in it were asleep except me. I returned to the window.
“Help!” a voice shouted, weaker this time.
“Shit,” I complained. I returned to my room, walked over to the closet, then jammed my feet in my running shoes and headed downstairs. I grabbed my raincoat from the front hall closet and stepped outside.
Where was security? They usually patrolled the grounds at night. Maybe there was a shift change. Rain thundered down on the roof of the veranda and on the brick walkway winding down the front lawn to the main gates. I stepped onto the stairs and into the rain. I hurried to the wrought iron fence separating our property from the street. I paused, noticing a strange pink light illuminating the jacaranda trees lining the street. I turned to see where it was coming from. I gasped. The house glowed with a fluorescent pink light from the runes Mom had recently cast over the house in the Jotomoarlo Sangrancto. The ancient characters appeared as if projected on the house moving up along the façade and disappearing on the mansard roof.
“Please, help little old me!” a voice called. I looked back at the house. The house was actively fighting some evil force itself. I turned and made my way to the empty street. A half block away, I spotted a figure, shrouded in shadows between the streetlights, waving to me.
“Help! Monsters!”
“I can help you!” I called, patting my pajama pockets for my PlasmX. Puxhàredo! I left it on the dresser in my closet. I stretched out my arm and raised my hand on the off chance my PlasmX would levitate out of my room and into my hands. Nothing happened. Crap. Máurso had drilled it in my head to never be without my PlasmX. And I had forgotten that rule already. I grumbled. Okay, I would just use my fists and body to battle any monster. My Xem Sen Ou improved every week. I was a walking weapon, I told myself.
I closed in on the figure.
“Come and help me.”
The stench of ashes and sulfur wafted into my nose. I gagged. Okay, a chain smoker needed my help. Mom had drilled it into my head to never smoke.
“You want yellow teeth? Wrinkles when you’re eighteen? Smell like cigarettes?”
“Good, don’t smoke, ever!”
I could do this. I paused in front of a shadowy figure.
“Elijah Delomary, Bane of the Gloom, here to help..uh..ma’am, sir, they?”
The figure reached up to their hood with their hands, only the skin was blistered and black and oozing. My eyes widened, seeing rotting flesh on their arms. I stopped in my tracks. I began to back away.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you remember me?” A raspy voice called as the hood fell off the head of the figure. The face of an old woman with wrinkled skin and washed-out blue eyes peered at me. Fungus crusted half the woman’s face.
“Come here, honey. It’s me, your great-great aunt Mady!”
I turned and began to run. That couldn’t be Aunt Mady. She had died when I was eight years old at the ripe old age of 102. My foot hit a rut in the sidewalk, sending me tumbling forward. I crashed onto the lawn of my friend Letitia’s house. I sprawled on my back, rain beating down on my face. My heart lodged in my throat. I wanted to cry out for help. I wanted to run, but for some reason, every muscle in my body was paralyzed. I heard the sound of Aunt Mady’s walker clacking on the sidewalk.
“Come and give me a hug, honey!”
I closed my eyes. I should have woken Barn, called Sunny. Security. No, I— Stop, Elijah. You didn’t know any better. You meant well. The path to hell is lined with good intentions. No, stop. Stop. Stop beating yourself up.
The clacking stopped. Aunt Mady, or whoever she was, stood over me. I was helpless. Thunder rumbled. Our twelfth atmospheric river of the rainy season. The vernal equinox passed weeks ago. Springtime. It never rained this much in Southern California. Something was wrong, someone was trying to drown the land of milk and honey. Drown La La Land and wash California into the sea.
Wheezing filled the air. I pressed my eyes closed as a hand reached for me. A vision bloomed in my head. Two pinpoints of red light that grew and grew and grew filled my mind.
“You proved yourself quite capable,” the voice said. “I was hoping you’d run yourself ragged, trying to prove to yourself you’re not some piece of crap like your father. I hoped to watch you collapse and die. You didn’t. Then I was sure you would give up. You surprised me. So now I am here to destroy you, so Devlina is weakened, and I can grow stronger!”
Timoteo Tong’s imagination has always run wild, growing up in Burbank, CA, dreaming of battling vampires, werewolves, and witches in a Victorian mansion. Inspired by literary giants like L. Frank Baum, CS Lewis, and JRR Tolkien, he wrote his first book at eight, featuring his stuffed cocker spaniel marrying a playful duck. Now living in San Francisco with his husband, Timoteo surrounds himself with plants and books, enjoying cheese pizza, donuts, and long naps. He balances his creative pursuits with a healthy lifestyle, working out regularly. Timoteo dreams of flying one day and aims to enchant readers with his storytelling, just as his favorite authors did for him.
Author Website: https://www.magicalsalliance.com
Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/timoteo.tong
Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timoteoktong/
Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/34837913.Timoteo_Tong
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Timoteo-Tong/author/B0C7JVD1H7