Author Monthly Blog Post – Anne Barwell – Music Code

I’m part way through increasing my ebook prices, so each month I put a book on sale, and then raise it to its new price at the end of that month.

This month’s book is Winter Duet, book 2 of Echoes Rising.

When I did my degree, which had a smattering of music history papers, one of the lectures was about code in music. Using music to hide messages in plain sight is nothing new. Bach did it, and so have others.

As part of this story, I planned to separate my MCs, but they needed a way to safely leave each other a note at a safe house in war time Germany with the SS tracking their every move. Both of the MCs are musicians and read music so leaving a handwritten piece of music in plain sight worked well.

I had a lot of fun figuring out what their code would look like, and as an added bonus I’d also studied Schubert’s Winterreise in the same course so I used some of the lyrics from that as codes for the resistance.

Winter Duet
Echoes Rising Book 2

Nominated for LR Cafe’s 2021 Best Historical/Regency/Victorian book category.

#WWII #action #drama #spies #diversecharacters #foundfamily #hurtcomfort #mmromance

Who do you trust when no one is who they seem?

Germany 1944
Fleeing German physicist Dr Kristopher Lehrer and his lover, Resistance fighter Michel, are caught up in an Allied bombing campaign. Separated from Michel after discovering an injured RAF pilot in the Black Forest, and pursued by the SS for the information he carries, Kristopher is frantic to reunite, unaware that Michel has been recruited by the Allies for a rescue mission.

Time is running out. The Gestapo is closing in. How can they decide who to trust, when the dagger pointed at Kristopher’s back could be wielded by a friend?

Author’s note: This is the third edition of Winter Duet. The first and second editions were released by another publishing house. This story has been re-edited, and uses UK spelling to reflect its setting.

Ebook | Paperback | Echoes Rising

Until next time!

Meantime you can catch up with me in my readers group and/or signing up for my newsletter. Elizabeth Noble and I also have a Facebook group for our paranormal shared world, The Sleepless City and website .

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  1. Music code in Winter Duet | Drops of Ink

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