Release Blitz, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway:
The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project
By Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey
Alpha Tau, Book 4
When Charlie Mercer meets a cute guy at a party during summer break, sparks fly. But Tanner never calls him. Typical. At least he has his sophomore year at Lassiter and his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau to distract him—and maybe this will be the year he finally meets someone.
College is meant to be a new chapter in Tanner North’s life, except he’s still stuck in the shadow of his older brother, Colt. Not only is Tanner going to Lassiter like Colt did, he’s also pledging to Kappa Beta Rho because Colt was chapter president there. Whatever. Tanner’s not interested in getting involved in the dumb frat rivalry that Kappa Beta Rho has going on with Alpha Tau. He’s just going to keep his head down and his grades up until he graduates.
It’s a solid plan, right up until Tanner realizes that Charlie is a member of Alpha Tau. And it turns out that keeping their hands off each other is harder than they thought.
The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project is a lighthearted contemporary m/m romance containing a ruined phone, two melodramatic frat boys, and a romance that spans the width of an entire street. Or something.
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I stepped out onto the porch. The street was deserted and still, and I breathed a little
easier as I pulled my sneakers on. I jogged toward Alpha Tau, sticking to the shadows as much as possible, and thought about Charlie.
As I got closer, I saw that his light was on.
It blazed bright in the darkness, calling me, and my heart pounded from a combination of
nerves and excitement.
The universe was giving me a sign, obviously.
Judging from this morning, he was as into me as I was into him, and maybe this would
show him we could work around all that fraternity bullshit. I hoped so, anyway.
When I reached Alpha Tau, I stood in the shadows of a tree— déjà vu, anyone? My nerves jangled. I tossed the baseball from hand to hand, and the familiar feel of it thudding against my palms helped me relax.
Let’s do this.
I stepped out from the darkness and tipped my head back to calculate the angle and velocity of my throw and positioned myself to throw. I played shortstop, but I was also a half-decent pitcher when I put my mind to it, so sending the ball where it needed to go wasn’t an issue.
I took a deep breath, centering myself the way I did whenever I got on the pitcher’s mound. A familiar calm washed over me, and I shook my shoulders out and took a deep breath. I drew my arm back, aiming at the section of wall next to the window, and threw the ball.
Glass shattered, the sound echoing through the quiet.
My gut clenched, and my mouth went dry, panic flooding me. But before I could decide what to do next—my current choices were running away or throwing up on the lawn and then running away—someone appeared at the window.
It wasn’t Charlie.
This was a young, finely built guy with dark, messy hair and an intense gaze that
threatened to set me on fire even from this distance. “What the fuck?”
I lifted my hands in the air, palms spread wide, and waved them frantically while slinking
across the lawn, looking like some weird-assed combination of an air traffic controller and an
interpretive dance major. “Sorry!” I squeaked. “It was an accident!”
Dark-haired guy leaned out past the jagged edges of the window. His eyes narrowed, and he glared at me some more before Charlie’s face appeared next to his, eyes wide. “Tanner?”
“Charlie!” Relief flooded through me, but it was short-lived when he scowled at me.
“What the fuck, Tanner?”
That was not the reaction I’d hoped for.
Then again, this was not the romantic gesture I’d imagined.
This? This was a shitshow.

To celebrate the release of The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project, Lisa & Sarah are giving away a $10 Amazon Voucher!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
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About Lisa Henry:
Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.
Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn’t know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she’s too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.
She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.
She shares her house with too many cats, a dog, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.
Lisa has been published since 2012, and was a LAMBDA finalist for her quirky, awkward coming-of-age romance Adulting 101, and a Rainbow Awards finalist for 2019’s Anhaga.
To connect with Lisa on social media, you can find her here:
About Sarah Honey:
Sarah started life in New Zealand. She came to Australia for a working holiday, loved it, and never left. She lives in Western Australia with her partner, two cats, two dogs and a life-size replica TARDIS.
She spends half her time at a day job and the rest of her time reading and writing about clueless men falling in love, with a dash of humour and spice thrown in along the way.
Her proudest achievements include having adult kids who will still be seen with her in public, the ability to make a decent sourdough loaf, and knowing all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody.