Author Monthly Post – Anne Barwell – An Earlier Time

With my sale book this month being an historical I had originally planned to write about all the research that goes into such things….

Then I got sick with a nasty chest infection, and changed my mind. Becoming ill or injured in present day is bad enough, but go back a few decades before modern medicine, antibiotics, and the like, and something simple can quickly become life threatening.

In Shadowboxing, Kristopher faces a life-and-death situation, but, with the assistance of family, he’s extremely lucky. Note – this isn’t a spoiler as it’s the first book in the series and he’s still alive in book three which is six months later…

However, later in the series, another character isn’t so lucky.

People fondly reminiscence about the ‘good old times’ when life was simpler, which is true, but I wouldn’t want to give up the later medical and scientific advances, or the internet. I remember the days before computers, mobile phones, ATMs and the like.

On the flip side, that’s one of the reasons I enjoy writing historicals. Characters in trouble have no direct ways of contacting their allies, and getting from A to B is much more complicated even without having to journey through a war zone.

Shadowboxing, the first of my WWII Echoes Rising series is on sale this month. If you haven’t started the series yet, this is a great opportunity to do so as it will be going up to its new regular price of $5.99 at the end of the month.

#WWII #action #drama #spies #diversecharacters #enemiestolovers #friendstolovers #hurtcomfort #mmromance #seriesstarter #gayromance #MMWarRomance #MMHistoricalRomance

Complete their mission or lose everything.

Berlin, 1943

An encounter with an old friend leaves German physicist Dr Kristopher Lehrer with doubts about his work. But when he confronts his superior, everything goes horribly wrong. Suddenly Kristopher and Michel, a member of the Resistance, are on the run, hunted for treason and a murder they did not commit. If they’re caught, Kristopher’s knowledge could be used to build a terrible weapon that could win the war.

For the team sent by the Allies—led by Captain Bryant, Sergeant Lowe, and Dr Zhou—a simple mission escalates into a deadly game against the Gestapo, with Dr Lehrer as the ultimate prize. But in enemy territory, surviving and completing their mission will test their strengths and loyalties and prove more complex than they ever imagined.

Author’s note: This is the third edition of Shadowboxing. The first and second editions were released by another publishing house. This story has been re-edited, and uses UK spelling to reflect its setting.

Universal Link | Series Link

Until next time!

Meantime you can catch up with me in my readers group and/or signing up for my newsletter. Elizabeth Noble and I also have a Facebook group for our paranormal shared world, The Sleepless City and website .

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  1. Love Bytes Reviews Monthly Blog – An Earlier Time | Drops of Ink

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