Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: My Best Friend’s Wedding Planner
SERIES: Wedding Disasters
AUTHOR: D.K. Sutton
PUBLISHER: Self-published
LENGTH: 194 pages
RELEASE DATE: April 25, 2024
Act as the dude of honor for my best friend? On it. Play nice with her scheming groom? Sure. Sabotage the wedding so she doesn’t make the biggest mistake of her life? Someone has to.
The only obstacle is her fierce, over-the-top wedding planner. I can’t get distracted by Zye Roessler’s sass or kissable lips. Not when he’s fixing things faster than I can break them.
We’re both determined. I want to protect my friend. And Zye needs this wedding to save his business. Not that he believes in love or marriage. I mean, neither do I, but I’m not the one making a profit from other’s mistakes.
I have a plan, and it doesn’t include kissing Zye every chance I get.
Miles Gordon is a problem. A gorgeous, muscled, tempting problem. He loves riling me up, but it’s the continuous issues with the wedding that snag my attention.
The dress? The venue? Are these coincidences or a sexy mechanic’s warped sense of loyalty?
I’m used to setbacks: the kids in school ridiculing me for being different, hearing “Shut up, Zye” too many times, my mom dropping me off at my dad’s for the weekend…and never returning.
Despite Miles’s attempts to distract me and the mounting evidence that this marriage is a mistake, this wedding will happen.
My only focus is giving the bride her perfect wedding and saving my business.
No matter how safe and cared for I feel in Miles’s strong arms.
My Best Friend’s Wedding Planner is book one in D.K. Sutton’s new series featuring hilarious wedding disasters, the small town of Mule Creek known for its loveable but quirky residents, a noticeable lack of mules, and the town’s host of unlikely visitors including a social media influencer, a Vegas star, and an honest-to-God royal prince (or two). The first book features a feisty wedding planner and a sexy mechanic, their meddlesome friends, twisty turns, and one too many emus. Each book can be read on its own and includes a hilariously-earned HEA.
This story kicks off a new series featuring a wedding planner named Zye. In this first story, Zye has suffered a setback and really needs this spectacular wedding of a social media influencer to come off without a hitch so that his business can continue. He’s got a huge problem in that Miles, “Best Dude”, best friend of the bride, is determined to sabotage this wedding so that Cher, his friend, is saved from making the biggest mistake of her life (debatable consider other things ). Zye may be small, but he’s mighty and fiercely determined. He’s been bullied and overlooked and abandoned and basically has had to fight for everything, so one annoying man is not going to stop him from his appointed rounds (or you know, whatever the wedding equivalent of the post office saying is). But Miles is REALLY determined to make sure this wedding does not happen.
First the wedding dress is a bust. Then the venue reservation isn’t there – well it is – but it’s moved two years into the future. Cher, who has been keeping most of the details secret about her wedding (including the groom) to whip up her follows, seems to not be terribly worried because Zye convinces her that he can handle all of these setbacks. What he doesn’t know is the extent to which Miles will go to stop this wedding. He also doesn’t know that the groom is someone he already knows.
Miles also doesn’t realize just how determined Zye is to pull off this disastrous affair. He finds Zye incredibly attractive and he pushes all his buttons and darn it he really does not want to tank Zye’s business – especially after he finds out how difficult thing have been for him. But he’s also insistent that this marriage will be an unmitigated disaster. Because he does know who the groom is. And he knows this is a terribly bad idea for both the bride and the groom, but he’s absolutely set on making sure that Cher is protected. Also he’d like to keep having fun with the wedding planner. He loves winding Zye up – that temper and flashing determination really turn his crank.
When Zye finds out who the groom is and what Miles knows about him, well things get pretty ugly. He’s devastated about Miles – event though he knows it’s off limits to be “fraternizing” with the wedding party. Isaac, his single dad assistant keeps trying to steer him clear, but that doesn’t work when they are clearly meant to be together. The groom’s homophobic father doesn’t help either. Then there is the bride’s mother who would rather Cher marry her gay best friend. It’s all a bit mad in the end.
I enjoyed this story because there are a lot of funny moments. I didn’t always love Miles teasing of Zye – it seemed like that poor guy had already been through enough TBH. The whole reveal of Miles relationship to the groom wasn’t a surprise to me really and I felt bad for Zye when that whole scene happened. The groom was a total jerk in so many ways in my mind. I really loved Zye and Isaac, his assistant. If you’re in the mood for a sort of OTT humorous wedding disaster story where the MCs get together despite a lot of obstacles, then I think you’ll enjoy this.