Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: Chasing Magic
SERIES: A Collection of Familiars (Book 1)
AUTHOR: Toby Wise
PUBLISHER: Self Published
LENGTH: 119 pages
RELEASE DATE: April 2, 2024
After receiving a magical compass that’s supposed to lead him to his spark, Willow embarks on the road trip of a lifetime. He just didn’t realize it would take over five years of chasing to finally meet his spark, Nash and he certainly wasn’t expecting his spark’s brother to be his true mate.
Callan, a hawk shifter, is used to his life on the road. He’s always found joy in helping his brother, Nash, travel from place to place, helping sparks learn more about their magic. On one magical stop, Callan and Nash run into Willow and realize he’s exactly what they didn’t know they were missing.
Chasing Magic is book one in A Collection of Familiars series. Inside you’ll find true mates, found family, an alpha hawk, a bluejay familiar, mpreg, magic, and of course, a happily ever after!
A new Toby Wise Collection Yay!!!
Willow has been searching for his familiar for five years on the road with his cousins. Every since his oldest cousin Jude passed on the magical compass to him after finding his True Mate and his Familiar together in the town they were in. Their Grandmother, that helped raise them, gave the magical compass to them so they could find, when the time was right, their sparks. But why did Jude find his so easily while they have been running their RV back and forth across the country for forever? When he finally discovers his familiar he is standing right next to his his true mate. But they appear to be together and quite close! How could Lady Fate do this to him?
I get where Willow could be fed up searching and backtracking…always seemingly a step behind finding his spark. And he was prepared to the fact that Jude finding his true mate and his spark as a package deal was probably a fluke. But the poor familiar omega was overwhelmed when he finally got everything in one nice, neat package. Add in that he almost immediately set his Alpha into his rut and he is an very inexperienced virgin. But that is where Callan shone for me. He took such good care of his mate and fell for him completely. Callan is a natural caregiver. He takes care of his brother and makes sure that he has what he needs when he finishes up working with a student learning to control their powerful magic. It exhausts Nash at times and Callan, who is a hawk shifter, but doesn’t have any magical powers like his brother, who is a spark and a teacher. His nurturing and protective nature went into over drive when he finally found his true mate. And I love how hard Willow fell for Callan and meshed so well with Nash.
I really loved The collection of Hunters series and it was fantastic to get to catch up with all of them when the group met up. It was great to hear they were all doing well and more children born into their family. This book took right off where that series ended. I’m excited to hear about all the mates and sparks for Willow’s cousins and the adventures the magical compass lead them on in their journey.
Fun new spin-off series that will delight you for an evenings read.
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