Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: Dearly & Homeless Horace
SERIES: Dearly and The Departed #4
PUBLISHER: Kaye Klub Publishing
LENGTH: 312 pages
RELEASE DATE: February 14, 2024
When the family business is death, how does one help a homeless vet find the daughter he lost to leave her the only thing he has to give?
Keir Dearly, the sole proprietor of Dearly & Son Funeral Home, is riding a high like no other. He and Dashiell Clegg have taken another step in their relationship, and life is as close to perfect as it can get. That is until Keir wakes one morning in a strange house. Where is he, and who are all the people who seem to know him—especially his pregnant wife? What’s happened to the life he can’t remember?
When a homeless Army vet lands on the slab, the man’s spirit is confused and unaccompanied, giving the impression that things are heating up in Heaven and Hell. The vet asks only one thing: find his daughter to give her the very few physical assets the man has, including a Bronze Star. With Keir MIA, Dash is tasked with trying to find the girl, though Horace has no information to aid the search.
As Dash’s gifts continue to develop in preparation for the upheaval of life on the human plane, he’s in no position to fight the onslaught of evil without his Gatekeeper. No one knows when it will happen, but they’ve been assured it will be epic. And now, there’s a vampire?
Weddings galore are coming if the supernatural beings don’t mess it up…
Dash has popped the question and now they just have to set a date. But Keir’s Mom Lucy and her fiancé Lenny’s big day is up first. However they need to make it through the final plans at Thanksgiving. But is there going to be a Thanksgiving get together since Lenny’s daughter is in a snit about him dishonoring her dead mother by remarrying? And now, right in the middle of preparing a homeless vet that begs Kier to give his final things to his long-lost daughter, Kier suddenly vanishes. And what’s up with his “identical twin/doppelgänger” showing up possessed?
This one was a wild ride. Immortals everywhere. Kier being transported into a different place and his doppelgänger trades into his life. I loved how everything just lead to the ultimate best things for Horace and his daughter. And all the cool new “tricks” Dash has up his sleeve since the “blood incident” with Lilith. I’m still not sure he’s not a tiny bit vampire after those exchanges. What I do know for certain is that Keir and Dash are the real deal and their love will last forever. It’s not about being the gatekeeper and the key. It’s about honest to goodness forever true love. And they will do anything to protect their true mate
What’s up with all the immortals suddenly converging. I know that they have been warned something big is coming and I’m nervous exactly how bad bad will be if this is just a precursor! Because this is getting serious. I can’t wait for the next book because things are getting hot around Dearly & Son Funeral Home.
[…] Reviewed by Kat […]