Love Bytes gives a very warm welcome to author A.E. Via , who is joining us today to talk about the three books she is releasing: Boraleashe, Belladonna & What do the Lonely do on the Holidays.
A.E brought along some exclusive excerpt , a teaser image and a giveaway!
Welcome A.E

All hail the Lord of the North Wind, Boraleashe Cavalerie. The last of the horsemen and harbingers of justice. The Overseer of the Realm of Winter, and Creator of the First Frost. Titan and Ruler of the Arctic World.
Boraleashe landed with the full force of his arctic power, showering ice and snow across the ground. Patrons bowed and tried not to gawk at him. Not because Boraleashe was the lord of an element, but because he was a strikingly beautiful titan, with his flowing white garments, and blizzard-kissed hair.
Boraleashe Cavalerie was the opposite of his titan brothers. He was stoic, disagreeable, and his attitude towards others was just as biting as his frost.
All titans were required to gift their pure hearts to another—to fall in love—as praise to the divinities for their dominion over an element. Refusal to pledge their heart was considered an act of defiance to the gods.
There would be judgment… and atonement.
For more than a millennium Boraleashe chose to shelter and hide his winter heart. He deftly avoided love by commanding army after army and fighting battle after battle.
Fate intervened and gave Boraleashe the opportunity of earning a heart from a far more worthy love than he deserved. The newly appointed king of the Autumn World, Theodor Cavalerie, was the Bringer of Harvest and Treasure of the Realms.
Why would a young virile lord like Theodor choose a surly two thousand-year-old titan like him? Boraleashe had no logical answer—he refused the handsome king for reasons no one would understand.
Boraleashe confessed to his viceroy, “Adresin, if for any reason my heart were to ever get broken, I will suffer a misery and death far more excruciating than the Snow Moon’s curse on my heart.
The universe had spoken for its final time, he either choose love… or loss. And there was only one man capable of penetrating Boraleashe’s icy interior. Only one warrior strong enough to save his soul from damnation.
NOTE: This is a story of fantasy with woven elements of mythology that have been modified for the story. This series is set in fictional worlds, and part on Earth. Some descriptions, geography, and landscapes may have been altered to fit the story.

Boraleashe fell in step beside his brother, Notalus, while their court followed at a respectable distance. He glanced around the palace grounds, taking in the autumn scenery. Fhomhair was a world different from Tir an Amárach. He observed servants smiling while picking ripened fruit from the trees in the courtyard. He wondered if every task in Fhomhair, no matter how menial, was an absolute joy to perform.
In the Arctic World, Boraleashe’s people had to hunt and gather their food, often in treacherous conditions. His brother’s people congregated with friends and family, able to roam the vast land free of any danger and threats.
Tis the season to NOT be lonely, falalalala…..
Spencer Underwood would rather celebrate National Sock Day than Christmas or any other holiday that centers around friends, family, or good tidings. The sudden death of his parents took any joy he’d once felt for the season.
Now, it’s just him, his memories, and his Holiday Grinches Facebook group.
Spencer has always done a poor job of hiding his loneliness this time of year. And the sweet—albeit unrealistic—encounter with a pushy jewelry salesman in the mall reminds him exactly why he hates this time of year.
Coleman Burbank the Sixth is the artistic genius behind the billion-dollar jewelry empire his family built and owned. But all the money in the world can’t buy him what he wants for Christmas. The holidays are always roughest for Cole, and he’s looking forward to it all being over. Especially since the sexy customer with the sad eyes he asked out earlier turned him down cold.
Cole’s best friend takes him to a gentlemen’s lounge to boost his mood, and he is more than stunned when Spencer approaches their table to wait on them.
Cole didn’t think it was possible to find a man who could understand his loss or his disdain for the season, but the more he learns of the heartbroken man serving him, the more he wants to take it all away… for both of them.
Because no one should be alone for the holidays.
PLEASE NOTE: This title is a completely revised, re-edited, short story , PREVIOUSLY released in a 2020 Anthology. It has never been published wide UNTIL NOW.

Atropa Belladonna is the deadly nightshade that poisoned Romeo and Juliet’s true love for one another.
Thorn Maxwell is no stranger to a bad breakup. It’s why he created Belladonna—a safe haven for the brokenhearted. Visits to his expensive and exclusive residence are by invite only.
Thorn’s negative experiences have not dissuaded him from ever falling in love again, but it has made him wiser. He knows what it takes to heal a man from the inside out, and so do his gentlemen.
Follow the lives of the gentlemen of Belladonna, one episode at a time, in this new and dramatic m/m series.

A.E. Via has been a best-selling author in the beautiful gay romance genre for 10 years! She’s also the founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books, having published a couple great, up-and-coming MM authors.
A.E. has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Virginia Wesleyan College that she used to start her own paralegal firm after she graduated in 2008. It was a rewarding and satisfying career… but another path called to her.
A.E.’s writing embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.
She’s currently known now for her hardcore, play rough and love hard, bad boy, alphas. However, she does like to push herself to step out of her comfort zone and exploring different tropes. She’s head over heels for gay romance and has tons of more hot stories to tell.
Be sure to visit A.E.’s official website and her social media pages.