- What was the inspiration you used for the two MCs – Stefan and Lucifer?
I had the idea for Stefan first. I came across this picture of a gorgeous looking blond who was wearing a hat, and he had on this incredible waistcoat. There was just something about the look that really spoke to me.
Lucifer came about because I wanted Stefan’s opposite, and I can’t help it. I have a real love for big, dark haired men, lol. All of my characters start with the pictures and the story comes from there.
- What was the most difficult part of carrying the two MCs through three full stories?
I should note this is something I’ve only done once before with my Necromancer’s Smile trilogy. One of the things I struggle with is that all of my books are character driven stories, and it’s crucial in the trilogy that the MCs continue to grow over all three books. In the Magic Users of Greenford, Lucifer and Stefan grew as individuals, and that impacted their relationship which made things interesting especially as by book 3, there were still some old habits Lucifer needed to break.
- You nearly always write Fated Mates stories, and this trilogy is another example of that. Given the rules of a Fated Mates universe, how does that impact the character growth you talk about?
There has been criticism of the Fated Mates sub-genre, and I think that was in part because initially authors would have the couple fall into insta-love which a lot of readers find unrealistic. I’ve always said that the lust is evident – it’s the Fates’ way of ensuring a couple will be initially attracted to each other – but one of the things I love to explore with my stories is that journey between lust and love. To me, love is something that’s expressed more outside of the bedroom scenes and often relies on little details or actions that characters do for each other as they grow more mentally and emotionally closer to each other.
- Across the three books in the trilogy, what was your favorite scene to write and why?
There were a number of scenes that really resonated with me for different reasons. When Garrick, Stefan’s familiar is shot in book one, I was crying as I wrote that because I understood how it was more than just the death of a bird. Garrick had been Stefan’s companion through so many tragedies Stefan had already been through. But perhaps, one of the scenes I was most proud of was in book three when Stefan stands before the council and declares, “My name is Stefan de Marco, and I was born in the Trades Sector.” In that scene Stefan had finally came into his voice and I liked to think it was a powerful scene.
For Lucifer, his growth wasn’t as straightforward, and he made a lot of mistakes with Stefan along the way. But one of my favorite scenes of his was when he told his mother to take a picture of him so that she could put it in his seat at her Christmas table. She had been so rude to Stefan because of where he was born, and Lucifer deserves ten points for standing up for his mate and anchor the way he did especially when it meant going against the way he’d been raised.
- I know this trilogy is now finished, so what’s next for you?
By the time this interview is posted I will have written another five books since Validate was published. I have seven open series right now (along with ten completed ones) so there is always something else to write. Keep an eye out for books in the Gods Made Me Do It series, more Quirks of Fates books, and I’m also having fun with my new Arranged Marriage world, among other things.
Thank you so much for hosting me today and have a wonderful day.

Lucifer Fireborn is a high magic user with a taste for the high life. He spends his days, along with his anchor brother Darwin, chasing the rogue magic users who don’t follow the rules all magic users live by. When his brother claims his own fated mate, and can’t anchor for Lucifer anymore, Lucifer has to find someone else to anchor for him, or risk setting everything and everyone around him on fire. But there’s a problem… Lucifer really doesn’t want anyone drooling over him, because that’s what people do.
Stefan de Marco is homeless again. Ranking as one of the highest scoring anchors in the country doesn’t count for anything when a man leaves his employ just so he can keep his pants on. It’s not the first time he’s been in that situation, and with his familiar Garrick, Stefan gets by. He was raised in the Trades Sector and he knows the value of hard work. When his path crosses with a desperate Lucifer, sparks fly, but not the ones Lucifer was hoping for.
Underneath it all is the insidious Brethren who believe high magic users should be able to use their magic without the grounding effects of an anchor. They seek to enslave or kill anchors in their bid to gain attention. Lucifer and Stefan have to find a way to work together to bring down the organization, but it’s not an easy thing to do when the two men come from different sides of the track.
The Magic Users of Greenford Trilogy should be read in order. It follows the one couple, Lucifer and Stefan, as they learn to manage their magic, and their love for each other in the face of adversity.
Warnings: Some violence.
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“You have to admit the situation with Foster was unusual. His anchor, Ethan was never found.”
“I doubt anyone ever looked for him. Ethan was just an anchor after all.” Stefan sniffed. “As for Foster, we got told, once we dropped him off at the facility Monty recommended, that the hexing case was under New York’s jurisdiction and therefore not our concern.”
“You weren’t curious about where his new anchor Helen got the hex?” Lucifer checked the traffic, and then risked a quick look at Stefan. Who still wasn’t looking at him. Catching Creed’s glance in the rear-view mirror, Lucifer got the impression the dog was judging him, too.
“I might have been, under different circumstances.”
Yep, Stefan was still angry.
“I mean, if my mate was still working as a Wielder of the Magic Sword, which was his occupation when I met him, and Foster’s case came across our desk as an authorized case, I would’ve jumped right on it with you. But, no, my mate told his boss, Ben, in no uncertain terms that he wouldn’t be doing that job anymore. I believe you told him that after our holiday, we were going to work at the Anchor Division.”
Stefan had an amazing memory. “Yes, I did say that.” Lucifer flicked on his indicator and took the turning for the airport. “But this case isn’t being investigated by the Council.”
“No. No, it’s not.” Stefan turned to face him then, and even out of the corner of his eye, Lucifer could see the hurt and anger on his face. “You’ve taken a case, on our behalf, from the one group of people who want to see people like me either subjugated, or completely wiped off the face of the earth.”
“If this is about the holiday…”
“What holiday?” Stefan didn’t have to raise his voice. He could snap out a sentence and make Lucifer feel as though he’d been whipped. “Are you talking about the holiday that you promised me nothing would get in the way of? That holiday?”
“I’m sure this won’t take long…”
“What the hell difference does it make how long this case takes? I’m not some spoiled society brat you have to appease with holidays and gifts. I’m from the Trades sector. I’m not afraid of hard work.”
“Then what…?”
“You really don’t get it. I can’t believe it, but you honestly don’t get it. Fine. Seeing as you clearly left your brain in your suitcase, I can tell you there are two things I’m upset about.” Stefan never used strong language, or interrupted Lucifer for any reason. But he was on a roll. “One. There’s the fact you didn’t consult me at all before you took the case. You reverted to Lucifer the arrogant ass, and made decisions for both of us, never once considering my feelings on the matter.
“And secondly, and by far the most important to my mind, did you miss the part when I said you’ve been employed by people who want to see me dead? Did you hear what they said about Technic? Council propaganda? Bad press? Excuse me? And that’s without the derogatory tones they used when they referred to me. How could you?”

In the meantime, Lisa is living a lot closer to all her adult kids and grandchildren which means she gets a lot more visitors. However, it doesn’t look like she’s ever going to stop writing – with over one hundred paranormal MM (and MMM) titles to her name so far, she shows no signs of slowing down.
When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate… and occasionally crackers. She has also started working out, because of the chocolate and the crackers.
Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers (I really do, lol). You can catch up with her on any of the social media links below.
Author Website: http://www.paranormalgayromance.com
Author Facebook (Personal): http://www.facebook.com/lisaoliverauthor
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/LisaOliverManloveAuthor/
Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisa_oliver_author/
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Lisa-Oliver/author/B004WH4ZEE