Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Tattered Allegiance
SERIES: Luminia
AUTHOR: Lee Colgin
PUBLISHER: Colgin Enterprises
LENGTH: 218 Pages
RELEASE DATE: July 27, 2023
Turmoil is brewing in the southern lands. Hushed voices whisper of war. When humans revolt against Fae authority, which perilous path will a young mixling choose?
I love Jindal with all my heart, but he’s full fae and I’m only a mixling. He doesn’t grasp how much harder life is for me. As the chasm yawns between us, I’m afraid we’ll lose everything we’ve built.
Rahz is my world, and whether he believes it or not, I’d do anything for him. Even when we struggle, my fealty is true. And so is my love. I refuse to let anything tear us apart.
Danger arrives in a royal carriage, gilded with jewels and trailing colorful silks. A loathsome pledge. A demanded oath. A cursed registry.
Can Rahz and Jindal weather the oncoming storm, or will a tattered allegiance break their vows and shatter their hearts?
Tattered Allegiance is the first book in Lee Colgin’s new Luminia Series. Surrender to an enchanting tale of friends-to-lovers romance. Immerse yourself in Rahz and Jindal’s fantasy world full of apricot pastries, mischievous bullies, young crushes, mysterious gatekeeping bogeymen, and lots of spicy times in the hayloft. A steamy MM paranormal love story in which being queer is normal and accepted, being a bully is uncalled for, and being childhood sweethearts is one in a million, or, well, two in a million!
Rahz and Jindal are best friends. But as they are growing up, it seems that they will be more than friends. Turns out they are best friends, lovers and mates. Despite Rahz’s fae father having left his human mother and Jindal’s mother going dormant when he was born, they’ve had a pretty good life. They have Bessa, Jindal’s human housekeeper/nanny who has been like a mother to him. Rahz’s mother has been a wonderful parent to him. And most importantly, they have each other.
But things are changing. Rahz has long been plagued by nightmares of war. When the royal delegation comes to their small northern village proclaiming that all halflings must travel to the capital to register and sign a pledge of loyalty to the queen, he knows things are amiss. There are rumors of rebellion in the south and trouble along the trade routes. It appears that the humans in the realm are tired of doing most of the work for the least pay, lack of respect and autonomy and generally not having agency of their own. It’s an expensive and long trip and means that Rahz will have to be away from Jindal for nearly a month – something they’ve never experienced.
Rahz make the trip with Falen and other halfling friend. Falen is more fae than human in appearance and demeanor. He understands Rahz’s reluctance though and can definitely see his dilemma. When Rahz meets with a very surprising potential partner in trying to make peace, not war, things change. He will need to leave his home for an unknown length of time to help set things on the right path. The question is will he come alone or with his mate?
Well this is a delightful kickoff to this series. Jindal and Rahz are so sweet. Best friends to lovers and mates in the best possible way. Rahz goes from the picked on halfling to a strong mage as he grows into his adulthood. Jindal loves him with all his heart even though he is torn by his own family situation. They clearly belong together and while there are other forces that keep them apart for a short time, their destiny seems to bring them back together. I really enjoyed the fae world the author created. I can’t wait to find out what happens next. The intrigue and the potential for war or peace is compelling. Rahz and his powers are destined for something – we just don’t know exactly what yet. Note – this book ends on what I’d call a cliffhanger, but not the kind where you want to throw the book across the room While trouble is definitely brewing, Rahz knows that he is doing the right thing for the right reasons and hopefully the right leader. Only time will tell how things will go. Recommended particularly for fans of fae and fantasy.
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