Love Bytes says hello and a warm welcome to author Katy Haye joining us today to show her new release “Assassin”.
Welcome Katy
A few of my Favourite Tropes
Given the title Assassin, readers largely know what to expect from the story. I love assassin romances, but I’m also often disappointed by them. Assassin to lovers is a massive character arc which is hard to make convincing. It’s innately contradictory to have a trained killer who’s also soft enough to fall in love with their mark and there needs to be a compelling reason why the assassin will throw away all their training and whatever motive they have for undertaking the killing simply because of love.
My motivation when planning Assassin was that my assassin, Kit, failing to kill his mark had to convince the reader. There could be no weak-willed “holding a knife to his throat and bottling it because he’s just soo handsome”. I came up with a unique (I believe – correct me if I’m wrong because if someone else has written the same thing, I want to read it!) reason why Kit fails to kill Prince Talal. Kit attributes his failure to sorcery, but there’s more to it than that…
Which brings me to my next much-beloved trope: soulmates. As well as novels, I read a lot of fan-fiction and soulmates is a staple there (soulmate geese; what a piece of craziness you are!). In novels soulmates tend to be of the “fated mates” variety and it’s almost always paranormal worlds with animal shifters. I knew my story wasn’t going to feature shifters – it’s very much a classical high-fantasy world – but I definitely wanted to use the soulmates element because it offers a certainty for characters to crash up against.
In Assassin, soulmates are a fact of life for my prince, and proof of heresy for my assassin. Fabulous – their unbreakable bond becomes a point of enmity and contention between the two. That gave me the opportunity to test the relationship to breaking point. Kit and Talal are soulmates, inescapably paired, but their initial coming together is a violent “meet-ugly” and there’s a lot of troubled water to cross before they reach the “one soul in two bodies” stage where the relationship becomes sunshine and roses.
I’ve made these guys go through hell before they reach their happy ending, and I hope readers will love to follow their story as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

Kiss or Kill … Why not both?
Kit was sent to the Sudharainian court with one purpose: kill Prince Talal, heir to the sultanate.
Kit’s never wavered in his duty before, but he’s taken aback by a sudden, powerful attraction to the man he’s been sent to assassinate.
The attraction seems to be mutual, so perhaps Kit can use it to his advantage: seduce the prince to get close enough to murder him.
There’s just one problem: Kit knows a hundred ways to kill someone, but since he’s never even been kissed, he has no idea how to begin a seduction…
Isolated by being both prince and heir, Talal has been eager to meet his soulmate since the age of two.
He knew his soulmate would come from across the sea where customs are different, but he couldn’t have guessed the man would be a feral killer who considers soulmates an abomination.
The only place they’re compatible is in the bedroom. Talal will use that connection to forge their bond. Since soulmates are united for life, that will give him plenty of time to establish a relationship … won’t it?
Assassin is a glorious romantic fantasy featuring a feral cinnamon roll meeting his handsome, spoiled prince.
Assassin (The Prince’s Soulmate Book 1) is exclusive to Amazon,
For release week only (ends 30th June) the ebook is on sale for just 99c/p. Grab a copy before it goes up to $2.99.
Katy Haye lives in the UK where she leans into the Brit stereotype by drinking gallons of tea, and the writer stereotype by staring into space and letting a solid 50% of the tea go cold.
When not writing, she can be found enjoying her garden or spoiling her two indulged cats.
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