Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: Family Home
SERIES: The Coming Home Series (Book 2)
AUTHOR: Blake Allwood
PUBLISHER: Blake Allwood Publishing
LENGTH: 295 pages
RELEASE DATE: March 24, 2023
Facing the past is never fun, especially when it involves seeing the man you still love. When their lives are once again intertwined, is a second chance possible?
Ash once stabbed his heart when he broke up with him, who cares if it was high school, pain is still pain. And speaking of pain, this broken foot has done nothing but keep him stuck in Crawford City.
Ash is now the town doctor after his dad retired, which means when the incredibly handsome and totally pissed off Todd comes in, Ash is the only person in town who can treat him.
Like it or not, when Ash and Todd’s dads drop a major bomb on them, the two men are forced to deal with one another.
Will they find a way around teenage misunderstandings and bad choices to rekindle a love that’s never stopped boiling, or will their pride forever keep them apart?
NOTE: A Long Road Home is a low-heat (no explicit sex scenes,) sweet, high drama romance.
You know it’s a great book when happy tears are running down your face at the end of their love story!
Todd is coerced into coming back home to work on his Dad’s dilapidated roof on the old family home. Unfortunately a fall off of said roof results in a quick trip to Doc’s clinic. Then things get real interesting when Todd discovers that, not only did Doc (who was a second dad to him growing up) retire but his son Ash (who was Todd’s one true love) has taken his place as the town doctor. So, with a now broken foot and stuck in Crawford City indefinitely life keeps throwing curveballs at him. Ash can’t believe that Todd is back in town and in his clinic. He knows he has a lot of explaining and apologizing to do to make up for how things went down when they broke up in high school. However Todd is the one that got away and Ash’s only love. But how can he convince Todd to even listen to him let alone give him a second chance?
This book was amazing. And it proves a very important point…that a book doesn’t have to be all sex and hearts. It’s the real life struggles and the hard times as well as the good ones that make it real and believable. And this book takes you through all those good times and the really hard ones too. It shows that love can triumph over the hard fought battles to keep your head above water despite the curveballs constantly being lobbed at you. Todd and Ash’s love story will keep you riveted to this book and wanting you to slap them across the back of their heads at the same time.
This book is chocked full of so many wonderful side characters from the beginning to the end but Lisa’s Ash’s little sister and both Doc and Amos, Ash and Todd’s dad’s, really made this story. The story beneath the story of Doc and Amos’s life-long struggles in a time when interracial and gay couples were not well receive in the south was particularly poignant. And the story of Amos and Todd reconnecting and truly getting to really know each other and why the old Amos was they way he was was touching and heartbreaking. You couldn’t help but was to see them take that step in trusting each other and become the father and son they should have been. Also, without Lisa’s constant meddling Todd and Ash never would have finally learned to trust and love again. But it wasn’t easy for sure.
But the true love story of second chance love between the two men who was each other’s only one forever was what made this story and kept the heart of this romantic dreamer hoping for true love to persevering and over come even the hardest of obstacles.
It was great to see a few glimpses of Gib, who now was in practice with Ash. Both this story and book one The Long Road Home, which was Gib’s story, interconnect and the storylines intersect at times. I would recommend you read them in order but you could easily read this as a standalone. But why when both stories are so good.
These stories remind me of stepping into a Hallmark movie series about a small town life and the characters that live there. I highly recommend this wonderful and heart-tugging series.
[…] Reviewed by Kat […]