McShayne’s Elf
McShayne Bloodline #3
What character gave you fits and fought against you?
Oh, that would definitely be Braedyn of the Dark. From the early planning out the series, Braedyn was uncooperative from the start. He never liked his name. His gifts. His bloodline. The only thing he loved is his connected familiar.
Out of all the McShayne cousins, Braedyn was the hardest to figure out. There were pieces I knew had to be included, but how to bring them all together into the grown warrior struggling against his mixed heritage, his magic, and his connection to the Elven Prince was a toss-up. Multiple rewrites. Changes to where I needed dual POVs. Plus I had to rewrite his background information multiple times for his personal history.
I hope all the changes made him stronger in the end. Some darkness swirling in him, but a warrior with an internal strength and light to carry him through the challenges.
Who has been your favorite character to write and why?
Actually there are 3 favorite characters in the McShayne Bloodline series. In Elf, book #2, I added connected familiars to the McShaynes. The familiar in book 1 is well… a surprise that is revealed in book 2. I’ll let readers find out for themselves.
In book 2, I created a lively wonderful little fox called Mistral Crispin, who could have his own story. In book 3, there is a wiley sometimes naïve hawk called Cerin, who mentally speaks with Braedyn. Even for his advanced age, his vocabulary is that of a child. He prefers to fly high or hunt for his favorite fishies than follow orders – especially to perching in one place. Can we say birdie tantrums? Oh, yes.
In book 4, you’ll meet a cuddly and friendly otter called Ollie.
Thanks to the familiars, I can add some lightness and comedy to the story, even during some dark or challenging times for the characters. Each familiar loves and adores their witch. While they can see things through their witch’s eyes, they don’t always understand human stuff.
What was the weirdest thing you had to Google for your story?
Do hawks burp?
The answer is in the story. Hawk. A hotel room. Lots and lots of fishies.
What do you do when you get writer’s block?
Oh, the dreaded question and scenario for any writer. ::shudders:: The fear of this is why I often have multiple stories in process at one time. If I get blocked on one story, I can shift to another story and get those characters talking to me.
If something stops everything, well, then I often have to close all the documents down. I will bring out a counted cross-stitch or embroidery project and do something completely different, but in a creative fashion. With cross-stitch, I can concentrate on the pattern and creating those tiny squares to build the image. Other times, I will open a book or Kindle and disappear into someone else’s world.
With those major blocks, I will let a few days pass without writing and not worrying about the loss of writing time. I tried to force my way through blocks and often hated the stories that came out so now I pull back. When the story or characters start talking and things are flowing, then I open up the file and get back to what I love doing – creating a new world and relationship for others to love and enjoy.
What are you working on now, and when can we expect it?
There are a couple of works in process – McShayne’s Merman (#4), Southern Charm #8, and something new for me a YA Academy Fantasy. I hope to finish Merman for a release in 2023. Southern Charm books are a little longer and more intense when writing, but I hope to submit it to my publisher at the end of 2023. The YA Academy doesn’t have a specific deadline, but again I hope to submit it to my publisher this year. Hitting deadlines is something I definitely have to work on as an author and self-publisher.

A Realm falls to the darkness.
An outcast because of his mixed heritage, Braedyn of the Dark, Captain of the Royal Shields and protector of the Prince of the Southern Woodland Realm, maintains his position through sheer grit and skill. Connected to a hawk familiar, Cerin, his magic is a mixture of Arcane and wielding. At the High King’s orders, he remains by his Prince’s side through a treacherous journey through the Lands to discover answers and a new home.
Losing his Realm, his parents, and his position in one-night, High Prince Conchobar Ó Díomasaigh is completely out of his familiarity. Running for his life, relying only on his protector and Captain, he digs deep to survive their trials, the growing darkness, and go wherever they must to save their Realm. At the same time, he sees his Captain in a different light and the deepening connection between them
Strange adventures. New allies. Growing connections. Can they survive this wild journey to save the elves, the Realm, and their lives?
About the Series:
Magic passed through ancient bloodlines for generations. A powerful family gifted with a blend of Elf, Fae, and Human magic, the McShaynes watched over the balance of nature. While the Otherkin receded from any mortal connection, the McShaynes refuse to leave their ancestral lands. Until the humans turn against magic.
Four McShayne sons spread across the Lands. Each one fears he is the last. They fight to survive the harsh atmosphere, maintain their bloodline gifts, and discover love and the true meaning of family.
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The ground rumbled beneath his feet.
A half-breed elf crouched against the nearest wall to wait out the current round of bombardment.
While the multi-layered and intricate braids denoted all the years of study, training, and practice to gain the skills of an archer, a scout, a tracker, and a soldier, the color of his hair and skin discredited his position. Among the elves of the Southern Woodland Realm, Braedyn of the Dark was an anomaly, a half-breed, and, according to some, not wanted. With every single step or skill he accomplished, he pushed himself even further and harder than everyone around him. Not even the three platinum charms decorating a raven black braid that denoted his position as Captain of the Royal Shields for the High Prince of the Court gained him any support. No matter what anyone said or thought, he continued to perform his duties, going above and beyond to protect his prince and the Realm.
Tonight the elves faced their gravest threat.
Though he should remain behind to protect the Prince, Braedyn followed his King’s orders to moved toward the front lines. His prince understood and allowed him to leave his side to perform his duties and learn what he could. If possible, he would help the defenders. Stepping away, he continued his journey to the barrier walls.
“To the sky!” a look-out shouted to alert everyone.
Ducking under a roof’s edge, Braedyn pressed against the stone and wood while staring at the darkened sky. It was lit by the fires that spread around their beloved Southern Nialam Forest and within the double-walled city. Another series of sharp-tipped arrows flickered while they pierced the night sky.
Screams spread through the darkness. Defenders hit by the arrows. Slain by this unknown enemy.
Braedyn tried to block out the sounds, but he couldn’t.
The invasive attack of the unnatural creatures came out of nowhere and surrounded the double-walled city. Only the small section of sacred western wall against the lowland mountain where the ancestors created the necropolis, the pathway to the Endless Realm, was naturally protected. There was little to no advance warning of these creatures plowing through the forest.
There was a flurry of misguided and scattered action around him from frightened defenders. They never faced this kind of enemy. None of their usual tactics and weapons seem to destroy their enemy, not even push them back. As if the creatures were immune from their natural magic and simple weapons.
A group of young guards fled.
Braedyn waved around his sacred bow, a rare gift of the twin Heartstone Trees. The twisted black and white wooden bow was gifted to the highest skilled archers and personally selected by the Trees. Holding out the bow, he moved it to catch their attention and stop them from fleeing. “Stop! What are you doing? Fleeing from your sworn duty to protect this court, this Realm. Shame upon all of you.”
At the twisted light and dark colored bow, brilliant against the darkness, the young guards slid to a stop.
“A Heartstone bow,” one guard whispered.
“A high archer…”
“Him. It’s him. The half-breed Captain.”
Braedyn ignored the whispers.
“Do you know that one nick of an arrow and you drop dead? Those creatures don’t die. They keep coming out of the forest and night,” one young guard said. “This is why we flee. There is nothing we can do. We must leave the court.”
“All the generals are dead or out of commission. Somehow the enemy knew to find them within the darkness. The outer walls are lost. The southern corner is about to crumble. Some of those creatures are cave trolls or ogres, but it’s like they’re twisted into something else, something far worse. They’re huge. Nothing kills them,” another guard said.
Braedyn looked around at what he could by the walls. He let the words and situation soak into him and roll around. No, they wouldn’t give in and flee. Not this time. Not this battle.
“Sons of the Realm. Listen to me.” He spun the bow and tapped the metal end on the ground. He pointed to the guard who spoke first. “What is your name?”
“Geraint Fenkrana, Guard Commander.
“Commander Geraint, I have a new position for all of you,” Braedyn said. “Focus upon me.”
The group turned to face him with Geraint stepping forward. Their faces bright against the darkness with swatches of dirt and soot. The lightness of their hair, skin, and eyes were a contrast against him, but they didn’t look upon him with hatred or disgust. Not any longer because he continued to stand against the fearsome enemy that threatened their home and lives. They desired leadership and he fulfilled it.

A quiet one, Nicole Dennis is the penname of an asexual author of different genres of fiction – both LGBT+ and hetero. Lots of characters, worlds, and stories build up in her head until she must get them down on the screen – anything from romance to fantasy to paranormal.
During the day, she works in a quiet office in Central Florida, where she makes her home, and enjoys the down time to slip into her imagination. She is owned by a new feline companion – a house panther, affectionately known as Brat Cat.
Author Website: http://nicoledennis.net
Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/NicoleDennis.Author
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/NicoleDennis.Musings/
Author Mastadon: https://mastodon.lol/@nicoledennis
Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2791975.Nicole_Dennis
Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/nicole-dennis/
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/nicoledennis