I would love to bounce some ideas around to some of our followers on Love Bytes.
I know quite a few of you by your handle because of your participation with the blog but I don’t want to approach anyone personally when it is not wanted
I’m posting this to ask if you are interested in giving me some feedback on Love Bytes and opinions on additional topics.
If so, just reply below on this post and I will get in contact with you.
I am looking for some different viewpoints and will raffle off a $10 amazon gc to go to one of the people who corresponds with me
Thanks Dani x
I love giving my opinions!
Hello! I read the bog daily. I can offer help if needed.
This blog is so helpful, and has become a part of my daily life. Anything I can do to help, just let me know!
happy to help, if need me
Happy to help!
Yes, no probs.
I’d be happy to help, too. I don’t post a whole lot of comments but I do read most of the things I get.
I have been a constant reader of this fine blog for more than three years. Glad to be able to help
Happy to offer any help needed.
Happy to help if needed.
you are all awesome!
I would be happy to.
Ask away!
Yes no problem