If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you know I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. It’s such an arbitrary time to make changes. Nothing magical happens when the calendar turns over. Why isn’t April 7th a good day to make changes? It’s one year from the April 7th. My feeling has always been, “today” (whatever day it is) is a good day to resolve to make positive changes.
Then I dutifully lay out a bunch of things I’ve already been working to change and calling them not-resolutions.
Not this year. This year, as the subject line says, is about seismic changes. Not resolutions, but actual change is in the air.
We’re moving.
After 16 plus years in this house, we’re moving after the school year ends. We need a new school district for ‘lil q. She’s going into 6th grade – aka middle school – next year and we’re not happy with the public or private school options around us.
When we moved into this house, neither of us thought this would be our forever home. We did, however, want to stay until ‘lil q graduate high school. Both of us moved a fair bit during our school years, and we didn’t want that for her. Ideally, we wanted her to go through her entire school career with a core group of friends. Something we never had. It was, even then, wishful thinking.
No matter where we move, it will only be mildly disruptive to my husband – he has worked full time at home for almost 20 years and will continue to do so. Work wise, he’ll settle in after a few weeks and his work life won’t change much.
Where we move will determine if the change is huge, or gigantic for me. If we move where we’d like, I’ll probably work a couple more years and then retire. I’ll need to take an hour plus train ride in twice a week (I’m on three days telework now) – or more if something big requires I be there. If we can’t find a house in our preferred neighborhoods, we have other locations we’re considering, but they’ll be too far to keep working. That means I’ll end up retiring. Either way, my 30-minute commute is kaput.
I’ve always been the one who likes to uproot and move. This house has been the longest I’ve ever lived in one place. Oddly, our ‘not forever’ home grew on me. I like it here a lot. As much as I like starting over, I don’t really want to this time. Without realizing it, I found my forever home.
Seismic changes.
I’ll drop little updates into my monthly posts about our progress.
Happy New Year to everyone and good luck with those ‘not resolution,’ resolutions.
Andy Gallo:

Andy prefers mountains over the beach, coffee over tea, and regardless if you shake it or stir it, he isn’t drinking a martini. He remembers his “good old days” as filled with mullets, disco music, too-short shorts, and too-high socks. Thanks to good shredders and a lack of social media, there is no proof he ever descended into any of those evils.
Andy does not write about personal experiences and no living or deceased ex-boyfriends appear on the pages of his stories. He might subconsciously infuse his characters with some of their less noble qualities, but that is entirely coincidental even if their names are the same.
Married and living his own happy every after, Andy helps others find their happy endings in the pages of his stories. He and his husband of more than twenty years spend their days raising their daughter and rubbing elbows with other parents. Embracing his status as the gay dad, Andy sometimes has to remind others that one does want a hint of color even when chasing after their child.
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Novella: Better For You Mages and Mates: Break the Spell:
Website: www.andygallo.com Email: andy@andygallo.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/andygalloauthor