Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: After Marcus
AUTHOR: Nell Iris
LENGTH: 42 pages
RELEASE DATE: December 10, 2022
Ossian’s heart shattered when his husband Marcus died unexpectantly. He shut down, put his life on hold, and would’ve wasted away had it not been for his neighbor, Joar.
Joar was there when Ossian needed him, offered a friendly shoulder to cry on, convinced him to eat, and helped coax him back to the living.
Three years after the life altering event, Ossian starts seeing Joar in a different light, awakening feelings he thought was dead forever. But is Ossian ready to take the leap and open his heart to someone new? And does Joar feel the same?
What a beautiful story! I am always amazed at this author’s ability to convey the essence of a character and their life in so few pages. Here we feel Ossian’s grief and how he has moved through his life following the sudden death of his husband. They had been together 20 years and the loss of Marcus pretty much devastated Ossian. He put on a good front for his family but Joar was the one who has been there for him – without his asking – for the past three years. He’s provided comfort, friendship, help when Ossian couldn’t help himself.
Finally Ossian is realizing just how much Joar has done for him. He is also beginning to understand why. He knows Marcus would not want him to waste his life being lonely but he’s still not sure. It takes a little time, but as Christmas approaches and Joar continues to care for him, Ossian is ready for more.
This story quickly established the main characters and their connection. The setting is so beautifully described that I could feel the cold of a snowing winter. I adored the way Joar was just a solid presence for Ossian, making sure he was OK. The realization that Ossian could have more if he wanted it felt natural and authentic. His rock, Joar could be so much more if he was ready to accept that Beautifully done. If you are a fan of second chances and new beginnings this story will leave you very happy. Highly recommended.
JMS Books