Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Battle to Surrender
SERIES: Heroes at Home
AUTHOR: Willow Dixon
PUBLISHER: Self-published
LENGTH: 290 pages
RELEASE DATE: May 11, 2022
I’ve been hiding who I am for so long I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be myself. – Hunter
Two years ago, I retired from the army and started my life as a civilian. I have a job I enjoy, friends who are my family, and more secrets than I can count. I might not be a soldier anymore, but I can’t seem to let the past go. It haunts me, and has made it impossible for me to truly be who I am.
Then Shane is hired by my company and we’re teamed up to work on a project. He’s young, handsome, and he has a knack for making me forget who I’m supposed to be. I’ve never let anyone see my true desires, but Shane makes me want to let go and finally let someone in. To let him take care of me the way I’ve always craved.
As much as I want to fight it, I can’t say no when he shows me who’s boss.
Battle to Surrender is an opposites attract, grumpy/sunshine, hurt/comfort story featuring a retired soldier suffering from PTSD, his sweet but firm younger co-worker, a found family, and all the feels.
I was really so happy to read Sarge’s story. Hunter has been the “dad” to the other members of his found family but he always felt “apart” from them. Luke and Gage and Doc all count on him in different ways and he was happy to do that, but he never felt a part of the group really. He’s also dealing with PTSD and survivor’s guilt as well as anxiety. He’s never been comfortable with crowds and because of his upbringing, he craves order and predictability. He’s never been able to connect with anyone in an intimate way either. He was closeted for a very long time and had a rather disastrous relationship with someone who did not value him and took his preferences for weakness and abused him.
Hunter loves his job at the LGBTQ shelter. He’s really making a difference. People need him and count and him and that’s where he finds his value. He doesn’t have much else in his life though except for his 3 army buddies that he considers his family. Then Shane lands in his life. He’s the event planner that will be working on the big fund raiser so that the shelter can buy the building next door. Shane is a breath of fresh air. He’s handsome and smart and he pushes every single one of Hunter’s buttons. But he’s nervous. Shane hasn’t had a lot of luck with men either. Everyone takes one look at him and makes assumptions. But those assumptions couldn’t be farther from the truth. But he recognizes something in Hunter that makes him feel like they might be a good fit. It’s obvious that Hunter has issues and Shane is more than happy to take the lead. Hunter relaxes when he does, so he’s got a pretty good idea of the dynamic that Hunter needs.
As they grow closer while working on the fund raiser, Hunter and Shane spend more time together. They realize that they are compatible in a lot of ways, but Hunter is still afraid. That he’s able to say this is huge! And he’s able to share things with Shane that he’s never shared with anyone. He’s got a lot of shame to overcome and Shane is completely nonjudgmental. He just wants to take care of Hunter He’s amazingly caring and sweet and Hunter can’t believe he’s so lucky to find someone like Shane that listens and cares and takes him seriously and wants to take care of him! They really are a perfect match. There are some things they have to get through, but they concentrate on the important things and Hunter even learns to stand up for himself without falling apart. Hunter’s whole family is there to support him and so happy to know the real him at a last.
I really really enjoyed this story. The dynamic here is flipped a bit – smaller dom, older sub, etc. Shane and Hunter really were a lovely match. Hunter needed so much care. It was clear he’d never ever had the support he deserved. Finally Shane sees all of him. Accepts all of him. Loves all of him. It totally remakes his world. Shane is a sweetheart! He recognizes what Hunter needs even before Hunter can say a word. I loved how their relationship evolved and how patient Shane was. The rest of the guys are there too lending their support and love. There is so much growth in all their relationships once Hunter comes out of hiding. I just wanted to give him a big hug too! Definitely recommend this book and this whole series. This might have been my favorite in fact
[…] Reviewed by Sadonna […]