16 Responses

  1. Trix
    Trix at |

    Ecopy by Alexa Land, Kris Jacen, Skylar M. Cates, Abrianna Marchesotti, or VL Locey

  2. Sophia
    Sophia at |

    Ecopy by Alexa Land, Kai Butler, Skylar M. Cates, VL Locey

  3. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    Love all these authors
    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  4. suze294
    suze294 at |

    Skylar M Cates, and VL Locey

  5. Linda C
    Linda C at |

    An ebook by Alexa Land
    An ebook by V.L. Locey

  6. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

  7. susana
    susana at |

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

  8. J. Shannon
    J. Shannon at |

    V.L. Locey, Alexa Land, Skylar M. Cates, Kai Butler, Kris Jacen, Debra Sutton, Stella Rainbow

  9. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  10. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  11. 16forward
    16forward at |

    My computer is smoking at the thought of all these great authors!

    Please enter me for:

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

    Thank you!

  12. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

  13. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    an ecopy by Kai Butler
    an ecopy by Kris Jacen
    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates
    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow
    an ecopy by Nikole Knight
    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti
    an ecopy by Debra Sutton
    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  14. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  15. Angie Juarez
    Angie Juarez at |

    an ecopy by Alexa Land

    an ecopy by Kai Butler

    an ecopy by Kris Jacen

    an ecopy by Skylar M. Cates

    an ecopy by Stella Rainbow

    an ecopy by Nikole Knight

    an ecopy by Abrianna Marchesotti

    an ecopy by Debra Sutton

    an ecopy by V.L. Locey

  16. dianes13
    dianes13 at |

    Kris Jacen, VL Locey, Skyler M. Cates. Thank You!


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