25 Responses

  1. Trix
    Trix at |

    M/M is definitely my preference, but sometimes I’ll read m/f (usually if it’s by an m/m author in the same universe, or just if something appeals about it. I used to reject f/f automatically (which kind of embarrasses me now), but once in a blue moon I’ll read them now for the reasons above, usually for a reading challenge. Also, if demisexuality is explored, I’m eager to read the rep and then the romantic orientation is much less important to me!

  2. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    I haven’t read an M/F for years. I think it was in the last Century (doesn’t that sound great) since I read anything other than M/M.

  3. Stacy S
    Stacy S at |

    I read anything and everything. My main concern is if the book is well written.

  4. Didi
    Didi at |

    I read MM, MF, and FF – anything that drew my attention really.

  5. Manon Rump
    Manon Rump at |

    I do read M/F but only a very limited number of authors, I like M/M a lot better as the books carry a dynamic I prefer reading.

  6. Sophia
    Sophia at |

    I also read M/F and F/F beside M/M. If I like the story line I’ll read it.

  7. Angie Juarez
    Angie Juarez at |

    I haven’t read anything but MM since I discovered it. And I don’t miss MF at all. The MM have so much more depth and true emotions coming off the page, well at least to me

  8. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    MM(+) only….haven’t read anything with a female main since 2013….having said that, I am currently reading an ARC of Hailey Turner’s The Prince’s Poisoned Vow which apparently has a bit of everything 😛

  9. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    I only read mm.

  10. Jenn
    Jenn at |

    A mix of M/M and M/F but more and more seem to prefer M/M

  11. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    I mainly read m/m but there’s a few authors that write m/f that I enjoy.

  12. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    i used to read everything now i only read m/m or m/m/m

  13. J. Shannon
    J. Shannon at |

    I’ve only read a couple non-MM books in the past 5 years.

  14. sandy athey
    sandy athey at |

    Primarily MM, but I love Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changling series (all MF, at least so far) and Ilona Andrews’ books

  15. Anna Lynn Torres
    Anna Lynn Torres at |

    I have been reading M/F since I was very young, I stopped many years ago, stuck to mysteries. Then I discovered M/M and I have found my NEW AND FOREVER LOVE!

  16. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Just M/M unless I find a M/F one I really really like the blurb of. I just don’t have a lot of time so am picky about what i read.

  17. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    MM only – I got converted!

  18. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I read MF but very little FF

  19. Riya
    Riya at |

    It’s rare but if it’s a fave author I will read mf. I spent so many years reading it but don’t miss it much.

  20. susana
    susana at |

    I read plenty of things, M/M romance is only one of the things I read, I read sci-fi, historical, fantasy, adventure, detective… if there is romance in the books, no problem, if there is not, it’s ok with me. As for the pairing, no problems whatsoever m/m, m/f, f/f… as long as I like the story, everything works for me

  21. dianes13
    dianes13 at |

    M/M. I will read F/F or M/F only if it is part of the series and I REALLY like the series.

  22. CylianF
    CylianF at |

    Just MM… I tried MF and even MFM/MMF after I started reading 99,9% MM books but I just couldn’t get into them.

  23. JenB
    JenB at |

    I’ll read MM and MMF, but probably never MFM or FF. I really prefer no F in my romance at all. That said, the only MF I’ll read is the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

  24. 16forward
    16forward at |

    99% MM, 1% MF.
    The plots, emotions and conflicts are richer in MM.

  25. Linda C
    Linda C at |

    Lately I have only read MM but I have on my TBR MF also.


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