Rising Heat by Elizabeth Hollows
General Release Date: 5th April 2022
Word Count: 68,506
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 270
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Book Description
Can a sweet and sexy fireman change a fling into a happily ever after?
Neil Farris is your typical ‘love ’em and leave ’em’ type. He’s been told his biggest fear is commitment, but he’s not bothered by that. He doesn’t see the point of a long-term relationship. He either gets bored or his partners realize he’s too bossy and scathing. It’s easier to stick to one-night stands.
When his boring work conference in Brisbane sends him to the wrong hotel, he finds himself surrounded by gorgeous firemen. Luckily for him, one of them is gay and interested in a good time.
Scott Fields is everything Neil looks for in a fling—gorgeous, good in bed and temporary. He’s also nice and considerate, which is a bonus. It’s a shame Neil only gets two nights with the fireman before he’s returning home.
However, much to his surprise, he runs into Scott a few days later. It turns out they’re both from the same town. When Scott asks him out, Neil is hesitant but agrees. He really isn’t interested in dating or relationships. Can the sweet and sexy fireman change his mind?
The meetings included games and group activities designed to get everyone excited while keeping them engaged. Neil tried to stay focused and show enthusiasm, but he kept thinking about what awaited him at the hotel. How could motivating staff and maximizing sales be more appealing than a naked fireman?
When they finally finished, his fellow managers invited him out for a drink, but he declined and headed back to his hotel. He arrived early and walked into the lobby at five-thirty rather than six. There were already a few firefighters present, and he spotted Scott among them. They saw Neil before Scott did. They nudged Scott in the side, smirking and gesturing at Neil. It seemed they weren’t oblivious as to what had happened the previous night.
Scott looked up and smiled. Neil felt uncertain about how to respond, but when Scott’s friends prodded him again, the fireman rolled his eyes before coming over. Neil stayed where he was, unsure what to expect.
“Sorry,” Scott said, quickly reaching Neil. “The squad worked out what happened last night. They’ve been teasing me all day.”
Neil stiffened, remembering how Scott had tried to be discreet.
“Nothing bad!” Scott assured him. “It’s more about how I”—he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck—“‘scored’.”
“Oh,” Neil murmured.
It wasn’t the response he’d have predicted from a crew of firemen, but it was a lot better than a negative alternative. Neil still didn’t know what to say. He rarely ran into a one-night stand outside of a club. He hadn’t thought this part through when accepting another night with Scott. The silence stretched, growing more awkward by the moment.
“You got back early,” Scott said, breaking the quiet.
“Yeah,” Neil agreed. “The traffic was better than I thought.”
“That’s good.”
Neil nodded. He tried to think of something to say. This was why he was better with drinks in his hand and sex on the menu.
“Hey, Scottie!” a fireman called, making Scott look over his shoulder. “We’re going to have dinner.” He gestured behind him where the other firefighters were taking a seat at a long table. The man’s gaze darted to Neil. “Why don’t you ask him to come, too?”
“I’m sure he has other things to do,” Scott rebutted, sounding exasperated.
Neil frowned. It wasn’t his usual move, but then, everything with Scott wasn’t typical for him. Besides, he needed to have dinner, and he wasn’t about to look like an idiot sitting alone after turning down an invitation.
“Not really,” he said. Scott turned to him, seeming surprised. Neil quickly added, “I was going to have dinner at the restaurant, anyway.”
“You don’t have to join us,” Scott insisted. “They’re nice guys, but they’re not above playful ribbing.” He rubbed his neck again. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
More of that same consideration.
It reignited Neil’s confidence.
“I don’t mind being there, if you don’t.” Neil smirked. “And I can handle myself.”
Slowly, Scott smiled. He seemed pleased. “Okay.”
He turned and Neil fell into step beside him as they walked to the restaurant. There were nine people at the table already, only two of them women. Everyone nudged each other and grinned at him and Scott.
“Hey, guys,” Scott began. “This is Neil.”
A chorus of ‘hellos’ followed, and Neil responded in kind as he took a seat beside Scott at the end of the table. He was facing the fireman who’d invited him to join. The man was tall and broad-shouldered. He was older than both Neil and Scott with a well-maintained beard with flecks of gray. He held out his hand across the table.
“Name’s Paul. I work with Scott back home.”
“Nice to meet you,” Neil said, shaking the man’s hand.
When they let go, Neil placed his arms on the table. He could feel discomfort waiting to surface but he refused to feel unnerved. He’d slept with Scott once, but everyone would know it was a casual thing. While he might feel like he was ‘meeting the friends’, it wasn’t real. He needed to get back into the mindset he’d adopted for customers and clubs.
It’s worth putting up with his co-workers for another round of sex.
“Scott says you’re here for a manager’s meeting?” Paul asked.
“Yeah,” Neil answered. “And you’re here for the annual fireman’s training. How’s that going?”
“A lot better when we can get to the training!” One man farther down the table complained, gaining grunts and emphatic agreement.
“We don’t like being forced to sit around all day watching presentations,” Scott explained. “We want to get to the exercises.”
“Scott’s the only one who’s had any exercise so far!”
It earned a few laughs while the back of Scott’s neck colored. He sent the fireman who’d spoken an annoyed look before turning to Neil with apologetic eyes.
Neil chuckled. “If that’s the worst they’ve got, I’m disappointed. I was expecting at least one innuendo about a fireman’s hose.”
Paul and the other fireman around them snorted or outright laughed.
“Well, the night’s still young,” Scott told him, the words both a warning and a tease.
Neil grinned. “I’ll prepare my comebacks. I always give as good as I get.”
“Yeah, I worked that out last night,” Scott replied, a grin catching at the corner of his mouth.
Neil winked, feeling the tension leave his body as he relaxed into the lighthearted conversation with Scott. It was like what they’d shared last night. The addition of the other firemen was different, but nothing Neil couldn’t handle.
It might even prove a fun story to recount to his assistant manager when he got home. She’d be jealous enough that he bedded a handsome fireman but adding that he sat down to dinner with more of them would only make her groan with additional envy.
And judging by the way Scott was looking at him and brushing their legs together under the table, Neil would also groan soon—only for a much better reason.
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First For Romance
Elizabeth Hollows 
Elizabeth Hollows is an Australian writer of LGBT love stories specializing in homosexual or lesbian romance.
Her preferred genres are fantasy, science fiction and contemporary/modern.
She has been writing since she was twelve, but has spent the last few years writing romance stories and discovering a passion for LGBT romance.
When Elizabeth is not writing she embroiders, reads and plots her next novel. She is a fan of the winter months and always has a book in her handbag and a cup of tea nearby.
You can find Elizabeth at her website here
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