Reviewed by Larissa
TITLE: THIRDS Volume Three: Books 7—10
SERIES: The THIRDS Collection Book 3
AUTHOR: Charlie Cochet
PUBLISHER: Self-published
LENGTH: 984 pages
RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2022
Welcome to the THIRDS Universe! THIRDS Volume Three includes the following four books:
Smoke & Mirrors
Life for Dexter J. Daley has never been easy, but he’s always found a way to pick himself back up with a smile on his face. Taken from his home, and the arms of his boyfriend and THIRDS partner, Sloane Brodie, Dex finds himself in a situation as mysterious and lethal as the Therian interrogating him. Dex learns what he’s secretly believed all along: his parents’ death wasn’t an accident.
Discovering the whole truth about John and Gina Daley’s homicide sets off a series of events that will change Dex and Sloane’s lives forever. As buried secrets rise to the surface and new truths are revealed, Dex and Sloane’s love for each other is put to the test, with more than their relationship on the line. If traversing the waters of murder and secret government agencies wasn’t enough, something inexplicable has been happening to Dex—and nothing will ever be the same.
Thick & Thin
In a matter of days, Dex has been kidnapped, tortured, killed, revived, become half-Therian, offered the chance to become a spy, and accepted a proposal to marry his jaguar Therian boyfriend, Sloane Brodie. It’s been a lot to take in, and although Dex is still trying to wrap his head around everything that’s happened, he knows he has to move forward. After the events of Smoke & Mirrors, Dex and Sloane find themselves in one of the most frightening situations of all: revealing the truth to their Destructive Delta family. When the dust settles, nothing will ever be the same, and it’s up to Dex to prove that in the face of change, the one thing that will always remain the same is family.
Darkest Hour Before Dawn
THIRDS Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs and Chief Medical Examiner Hudson Colbourn are as much in love now as they were nearly seven years ago when a tragic event on the job destroyed their relationship. The two drift together only to be pulled apart time and time again. When Hudson draws the interest of dangerous enemies, both within and outside the organization, Seb wants nothing more than to protect the man who still means everything to him.
As life-and-death events, an uncertain future, and startling truths draw Hudson and Seb to each other yet again, they must make a choice: trust their love and take strength from what they share, or lose what matters most… for good this time.
Tried & True
When THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley met Team Leader Sloane Brodie, he couldn’t have imagined how slamming into his new partner—literally—would shake both their worlds. Now four years later, they’ve faced dangers, fought battles both personal and professional… and fallen deeply in love. Now their big moment is finally in sight, and they’re ready to stand up together and make it official. Unfortunately, as the countdown to their big day begins, an enemy declares war on the THIRDS….
With their family in danger, Dex and Sloane are put to the test on how far into darkness they’ll walk to save those they love. As secrets are unearthed, a deadly betrayal is revealed, and Dex and Sloane must call on their Destructive Delta family for one last hurrah to put an end to the secret organization responsible for so much devastation.
Dex and Sloane will have plenty of bullets to dodge on the way to the altar, but with happiness within their grasp, they are determined to get there come hell or high water….
Charlie Cochet’s THIRDS Volume Three: Books 7—10 wraps up the series of box sets of her THIRDS series books with The THIRDS Collection Book 3. It includes the final four books in the THIRDS series: Smoke & Mirrors, Thick & Thin, Darkest Hour Before Dawn, and Tried & True.
This set of books has a little bit of everything in it. Some of the books – like books seven (Smoke & Mirrors) and ten (Tried & True) – revert to basics in terms of the story composition. Book eight (Thick & Thin) is novella length, with less action, primarily providing stage setting for books nine and ten. Book nine (Darkest Hour Before Dawn) deviates the most from the feel of the entire series because it’s the only book that is not centered on Dex, Sloane, and the Destructive Delta team. Darkest Hour Before Dawn focuses instead on Seb’s Theta Destructive team and Seb and Hudson’s relationship.
The storyline continues chronologically from book to book, and each book is intriguing in its own right. Despite the changes from book to book, Ms. Cochet creates a seamless reading experience across the greater ten-book series story arc. She keeps us fully invested in these characters from beginning to end, and our attention never wanes or wavers.
The THIRDS series is hands-down one of the best series I’ve read. It hosts a diverse cast of vividly complex characters that I’ve grown to know and love. Ms. Cochet’s writing is top-notch, and her world-building and character development are so exceptional it’s pure escapism every time you pick up one of these books.
The box sets are by far the best way to read the THIRDS series because of the enhanced reading experience resulting from the back to back to back juxtaposition of the books within one title. These three box sets comprising The THIRDS Collection will hold pride of place in my e-reader as I will be revisiting them often to catch up with Dex, Sloane, Ash, Cael, and the Destructive Delta and Theta Destructive found family.
Here are my thoughts on the individual books in this box set:
Book Seven – Smoke & Mirrors 5 hearts
Smoke & Mirrors opens up to a surreal scene. Dex has been kidnapped and now finds himself being brutally interrogated and tortured by a new character – the mysterious Mr. Wolf. This book runs Dex and Sloane through the wringer both physically and emotionally. The mysteries that have been hovering in the background – like the circumstances surrounding the death of Dex’s parents – begin to get unpacked. The twists and turns start coming fast and furious, but we get more questions than answers at this stage. The revelations unsettle Dex, and his bonding with Sloane seems to have unexpected impacts on Dex and Sloane as well.
The story has a Mission: Impossible feel to it. We start to question motives and backstories and wonder who can be trusted outside of our core Destructive Delta family. Lieutenant Sparks is the most difficult to read and wields the most power in the events that transpire, which is a heady and scary combination. There is so much going on in this story that it could easily have gone off course, but under Ms. Cochet’s expert hand, the plot moves steadily and remains fully accessible and understandable to the reader. It all makes sense, even when nothing makes sense.
Smoke & Mirrors capitalizes on all of Ms. Cochet’s deep character development and relationship building in the previous books. We are all in from page one, and the story doesn’t let go until you hit the last page. Luckily with the box set, the next book immediately starts because there is no way I was waiting to see what happens next!
Book Eight – Thick & Thin 5 hearts
A LOT happened in the previous book, Smoke & Mirrors, so this book, Thick and Thin, gives us a bit of a reprieve from the secrets and reveals. We get an opportunity to digest what’s transpired as Dex and Sloane negotiate how to explain the new, life-altering changes that have taken place. It primarily showcases Dex and Sloane’s Destructive Delta found family as it’s put to the test.
I loved this story because of its mix of seriousness, sexiness, and humor, as well as all the warm fuzzies from the camaraderie between these men. Ms. Cochet achieves a balance that slows things down while still keeping things moving and giving us the gift of time with her expertly created characters who have wormed their way into our hearts.
Thick & Thin prominently showcases the interconnections between these loveable, complex characters and establishes that this found family has an unshakeable bond. They are indeed there for each other through thick and thin.
Book Nine – Darkest Hour Before Dawn 4.25 hearts
Darkest Hour Before Dawn is the first and only book in the series that doesn’t center on the Destructive Delta team. Instead, the story revolves around Sebastian Hobbs (Ethan’s older brother), his on-again-(mostly)off-again relationship with the Chief Medical Examiner, Hudson Coulburn, and the THIRDS Theta Destructive team that Seb leads. Of course, Dex, Sloane, and the Destructive Delta team all play a part in this story; it’s just that the perspective has shifted. It makes the story stand out from the rest and perhaps it is the only place in the series where I felt the continuity from story to story felt a bit off.
We’ve learned about Seb and Hudson’s tragic backstory and the devastating event that destroyed their relationship. Hudson and Dex have formed a close bond because Hudson has been similarly marked and mated to Seb just as Dex has to Sloane. The daily pain of separation between Hudson and Seb given their bonded state is particularly acute, and it’s distressing to see them coexisting professionally but avoiding each other personally.
The separation is driven by Hudson, who believes he and Seb can never be together. But we learn that their relationship harbored weakness beyond just the tragic event that fractured their relationship. Their dynamic, with Seb giving in to anything Hudson wanted and the two of them never fully communicating with each other, was bound to have inevitably failed. Their love for each other is unwavering. The question is whether they can ever find a way to be together again.
This story brings Wolf into the picture again, and several other reveals and secrets are added to the mix. The overarching storyline borders on convoluted, and there is one plot point in particular, that I have trouble accepting (as does Sloane, for that matter). Notwithstanding, it’s not hard to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride because of Ms. Cochet’s skilled writing and adept handling of her well-developed characters.
Overall, this is my least favorite book of the series, not just because it feels so different, but because – apropos of its title – it’s pretty dark and even disturbing at times. Seb and Hudson’s relationship is potent. Since it’s repeatedly angst-producing, and their calamity is fueled to some extent by Seb and Hudson’s stupidity and refusal to communicate, it’s frustratingly heartbreaking.
The best part of this story is the fabulous Dominic “Dom” Palladino – Seb’s BFF and THIRDS partner. This guy … gah – I just loved everything about him. He’s a complete mother hen to his teammates, he has a tight bond with Seb, and their banter is sweet and funny in equal measure. Oh, did I mention that Ms. Cochet’s inspo for Dom is Channing Tatum? Not a tough image to keep in your mind’s eye … Yummy.
Darkest Hour Before Dawn is still a highly enjoyable story and essential to the series, especially leading into the conclusion in book ten.
Book Ten – Tried & True 5 hearts
Tried & True takes place four years after we first meet Dex and Sloane in the very first book, Hell & High Water. They are engaged and mere days away from their wedding day. So, of course, this is when everything that’s been building throughout the series all goes to hell in a handbasket, and they find themselves fighting to stay alive long enough to make it to the altar.
I’m not going to comment much on what happens in this one because you should organically experience the high-octane action and suspense, exposing of secrets and betrayals, and the ultimate showdown between Dex, Sloane, their found family, and the evil forces that have been chasing them. The twists aren’t entirely shocking, but it doesn’t really matter because the underlying action is crazy and thoroughly engrossing.
Ms. Cochet concludes this THIRDS series in the same vein as the conclusion of an action movie, and her characters are as real to us as the actors playing their movie roles. It’s the pinnacle of action/adventure M/M romance with super-charged alpha males fighting it out and vanquishing the forces of evil all while falling in love.
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