The holidays are upon us again and while things definitely are better (for many of us at least) we’re still no where close to ‘normal.’ People toss out the new normal a lot, but this time, there really will need to be a new normal. From shopping to travel to school, things are not the same as they were two years ago. Things are still changing too, so we don’t know what they will look like once we see the pandemic in the rearview mirror.
Personably, I’m still evolving. Things I accepted before – like the lack of work/life balance – are no longer acceptable. I’m also struggling to get more activity in my life. Working at home, at my desk, my exercise level has dropped off a cliff. I never realized how much movement I did in a day until I started working at home.
I’m looking forward to the holiday this year and there are a lot of positives to celebrate. Kids are back in school, we’ve adapted to masks and being more diligent about hand washing, and we learned how to keep in touch long distance like never before. I have all these grand plans – which I’m sure I’ll only do about half – to be more organized, make the cookies in time, get gifts sorted before the last week. The most important, however, is to spend the time with my family.
I’ve been fortunate to be able to work from home since March 2020. It allowed me do more with my husband and daughter. I haven’t missed dinner because of work. Starting January 10th, that will change somewhat as I return to the office. This December could possibly be the last one for a decade that I’ll this much time at home during the holiday season. I want to make it truly the most wonderful time this year.
And now for something completely warm and fuzzy – puppies.

Two weeks ago, we welcomed eight puppies into our family. Our female gave birth to a healthy litter and we’re going to have ten dogs/puppies through the new year. For the record, we’re only keeping one. Holding a tiny little puppy is very soothing – until they poop on you, which they to do to me at a disproportionate rate to others in the house.

If you want to see more puppy pictures, pop into my reader group – Gallorious Readers – where I’ll be posting more of the coming weeks.
Gallorious Readers Facebook Group:
Next month I’ll do my annual looking forward post and share my upcoming book news.
Until then, have a wonderful holiday season. May it be full of joy, family, and good memories.
Andy Gallo:

Andy prefers mountains over the beach, coffee over tea, and regardless if you shake it or stir it, he isn’t drinking a martini. He remembers his “good old days” as filled with mullets, disco music, too-short shorts, and too-high socks. Thanks to good shredders and a lack of social media, there is no proof he ever descended into any of those evils.
Andy does not write about personal experiences and no living or deceased ex-boyfriends appear on the pages of his stories. He might subconsciously infuse his characters with some of their less noble qualities, but that is entirely coincidental even if their names are the same.
Married and living his own happy every after, Andy helps others find their happy endings in the pages of his stories. He and his husband of more than twenty years spend their days raising their daughter and rubbing elbows with other parents. Embracing his status as the gay dad, Andy sometimes has to remind others that one does want a hint of color even when chasing after their child.
Join my Facebook group for more of your favorite characters and to meet new favorites:
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I love this reflective piece. All of us need to savor the good and dwell on how we can treat each other with kindness, forgiveness and love.’
Good luck with those cookies and enjoy the season!