The Blackwood Pack saga continues…
This is part of an on-going series by Amazon Bestselling Author, Mary Rundle, and catching up on previous titles is advised. Readers of the past books will enjoy meeting old friends once more as the pack does what it does best ̶ caring for one another and helping shifters everywhere.
David spent most of his life as a prisoner, beaten countless times as he was taught by the Sisters of the Four Gods. After learning the truth about what they had planned for him, he escaped and eventually landed in Scotland where he was rescued by kind shifter who gave him a job and a bed. His feeling of safety ended abruptly when he was discovered by the ones he fled.
Zane, the Blackwood Pack’s genius computer programmer, joined his brothers and friends in Scotland on his very first vacation. It had been a long and hard road for him since parents and younger siblings were massacred, but his life was finally coming together Not expecting anything more than fun and sightseeing, he was stunned to find his Fated Mate there.
Before they can claim each other, they find themselves in a terrifying game of cat-and-mouse, trying to elude brutal pursuers who want to capture David and kill Zane. As they fight to stay one step ahead of them, Zane sets out to win David’s heart and restore his confidence and also becomes his protector and lover.
Learning about each other’s abilities and gifts—and about the gods’ plans for David’s formidable new role in the shifter world—they form a unique bond with undying trust and a deep love that will bind them forever together as one.
Narrow escapes, kidnappings, battles, rescues and the revelation of unique gifts from the gods will keep you turning page after page as Mary Rundle weaves another thrilling tale of love and adventure.
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David instantly scented the wolf trying to crash through the door. Grabbing his mate, he whisked them away. When he and Zane reappeared, it was at the place where he’d met Feris and Hook in the woods about a month before. They wouldn’t be safe here for long but at least they’d have time to figure out what to do next.
Emerging out of the blackness, Zane found himself standing in front of an old castle with the stench of death filling the air. Quickly stepping in front of his mate, Zane’s wolf flashed in his eyes as he surveyed the clearing, finding only the remains of dead men. “Where are we?”
“Daroonga Castle,” replied David. “I’ve only seen it once and it was the first place that came to mind.”
“Did you know the shifters who broke in to Brian’s cottage?”
“Yes. They’re after me and I’m pretty sure they planned to kill you.”
“Right. Well, we better get inside,” Zane said, taking David’s hand, leading him into the foreboding castle. Using his wolf eyesight, Zane followed a hallway until he reached a door. Once inside, he found a candle sitting next to a box of matches. Now at least there was light. Looking at his mate, Zane asked, “Babe, how did they find us?”
“I-I-I-I d-d-don’t k-k-k-now,” David stuttered, shivering from the fear coursing through his body.
Encircling his arms around David, Zane crooned, “Easy babe, we’ll figure this out together.”
Nodding, David nestled tightly against the person who soothed his fears; his heart slowed down, allowing him to recall what happened in the past. “I think they can track me but I’m not sure how. They found me when I ran away. Michael told me then there wasn’t any place I could go where he wouldn’t be able to find me. I didn’t understand what he meant, but tonight…”
“You thought they weren’t following you?”
“Yeah, so I figured I could disappear with you, they wouldn’t know where I went, but tonight proved me wrong about that.”
“Do you have a phone on you?”
“No. You know that,” David said accusingly.
“Hey babe, relax. I’m just going down a checklist, trying to eliminate possibilities and using a phone’s GPS is one of them. Other than you and me, Brian was the…”
“Brian wouldn’t tell them!” David said, bristling at the implication.
“I agree with you babe,” said Zane, “and if we eliminate those two, the only other way I know someone can be tracked is by some kind of signal.” He paused, going over the possibilities in his mind. “You aren’t wearing any of your original clothes, so they can’t use them…hmmm…babe, do you mind if I check your body?”
“For what?”
“To see if anything was placed on it that would allow them to track you.”
“There isn’t anything. Don’t you think I would have noticed it some time?”
“Please David, it’s the only thing I can come up with as to how they’re able to find you.”
Searching his mate’s face, David saw the worry Zane felt and that was enough for him to say, “Okay. What do you want me to do?”
Quickly figuring out a plan, Zane said, “I’m going to start at the top of your head and work my way down from there so just remove your shirt for now.”
Standing bare-chested, David shivered from the cold air swirling throughout the room from the open windows. Stretching out his arms, he closed his eyes, bracing for his mate’s hands on his body, knowing he’d feel tiny shocks of energy everywhere they touched him.
After a quick intake of breath at seeing his mate’s gorgeous, naked, chest, Zane got to work. Burying his hands in David’s curly hair, he slowly moved his fingertips over his mate’s scalp, feeling for anything unusual. Finding nothing, his fingers worked their way down David’s neck, back, arms and chest, all the while feeling for anything out of the ordinary. Reaching his mate’s pants without finding anything, he began to doubt that he would. “Babe, you can put your shirt back on,” he said.
Pulling his sweatshirt over his head, David asked, “Do you want me to take my pants off?”
Even with growing doubts about his theory, Zane decided to finish the search, just so he could close the door on his theory. “Please, but you can leave your briefs on,” he said to his mate.
Kicking off his boots, David peeled off his sweatpants, letting them lie in a pile on the floor. Then spreading his legs, he stood still, silently counting backwards from a hundred as he hoped to keep his mind occupied with something other than his mate’s hands near his cock.
Kneeling on the stone floor, Zane stared at the long, lean, muscled legs in front of him, his mouth watering at the thought of running his tongue over them. Bracing himself against the desire he felt for David, Zane tentatively reached out his hands, holding them barely an inch from his mate’s skin. Then taking a deep breath, he closed the distance, feeling his mate’s skin again. David gasped. “Are you okay?” Zane asked.

As my books began to be translated into other languages, I also became an Amazon International Best-Selling author and then achieved the honor of becoming an Amazon All Star due to their popularity. My tenth book, Darkness Master has just been published and audible versions of the entire series are in progress.
I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box.
My readers tell me they feel like they’re members of the pack as the stories unfold…as if they’re right there in the middle of the action. Others tell me it’s like watching a fast-paced movie. My writing style pulls no punches…readers love it and are always clamoring for the next book.
Stories come to me as if channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures and are not inhibited when it comes to revealing steamy, sexy details.
I currently live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. I’m always happy to hear from my readers and can be reached through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or my website.
Author Website: https://www.maryrundle.com
Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundle69
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundleauthor/
Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryRundle69
Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryrundle69
Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14246427.Mary_Rundle
Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/mary-rundle/
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mary-Rundle/e/B0763CDQQ6