Release Blitz, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway:
A Case for Christmas by JA Rock and Lisa Henry
The Lords of Bucknall, Book 2
He loves no-one and never will.
Lord Christmas Gale is a genius and a misanthrope, and, quite to his disgust, adored by all of Society for his capacity to solve mysteries. When a man approaches him seeking help in locating a lost dog, Gale rebuffs him. But what begins with a missing dog ends in murder and intrigue–two of Gale’s favourite things, if it weren’t for the orphan that comes attached to them. Oh, and Benjamin Chant.
He has sworn to never love again.
The Honourable Mr. Benjamin Chant isn’t sure how he got swept up in Gale’s mad investigation, but there’s something intriguing about the man–a vulnerability that most of the world doesn’t notice, but which captures Chant’s interest, and his sympathy, from their first meeting. After a disastrous love affair in the past, Chant has sworn to never give his heart away again. Especially to a man who does not want it.
But it isn’t just their hearts at stake.
When their investigation takes a dangerous turn and their lives are threatened, both Gale and Chant are forced into the realisation that perhaps two imperfect men might fit perfectly together–that is, if they can outwit the killer who is intent on seeing them both dead.
A Case for Christmas is the second book in the Lords of Bucknall Club series, where the Regency meets m/m romance.
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Gale awoke with a pounding head and a taste in the back of his throat he imagined one could only get by sucking the bristles of a street sweeper’s broom. He groaned and blinked into the unwelcome morning light, slowly bringing his surroundings into focus. It took a moment for him to realise where he was, and that it wasn’t the familiar paper hangings of his room in Russell Street that his blurry gaze fixed upon. Instead, he realised, with mounting horror, he was at home. Good Lord. He had a vague memory from the night before of being somewhat rescued by Chant, but any relief he might have felt—although, if he were honest with himself, there was not much relief to be found in such abject humiliation—was drowned out immediately by the fact that Chant had apparently delivered him home into the care of his mother. Such a sin felt unforgivable—even more so when Gale hadn’t even managed to rise from the bed before she was bustling into his bedroom, flinging the curtains open wide.
“Christmas, darling,” she said. “Do get out of bed. Your friend is here for tea.”
“I don’t have any friends,” Gale muttered. “Besides, who invited him?”
“I did, of course,” his mother said.
She opened his bureau and began to dig through it for clothes.
“Am I allowed no privacy at all?” he grumbled.
“Oooh,” his mother said. “Is this where you’ve hidden your copy of The Maiden Diaries?”
“I certainly have not,” Gale said, shoving his bed clothes off and sitting up. His head ached and throbbed like a fresh bruise. “I’m much more depraved than that, I’m afraid. You may find there’s a copy of Justine tucked away under my cravats.”
His mother laughed brightly.
Gale stared at the floor for a moment as he was assailed by memories of the previous night.
Oh, it was all coming back. With far too much clarity.
He was to make a decision with his head clear—there seemed no chance of him achieving that state anytime soon—about whether he and Chant were to try again. Try again at what, precisely? He and Chant had yet to do anything more scandalous than embrace. A line of Chant’s from last night hit him: “I cannot bear another courtship with a man who needs me less than I need him.”
Gale’s heart pounded in time with his head.
Well, if it was a courtship Chant wanted, then Gale must tell him no. Obviously. They were not courting, they had never been courting, and they never would court. Gale would never court anyone. Had Chant felt that was what they were doing? Or were headed for? Gale must disabuse him of the notion at once.
Oh, yes, there it was: a memory of raging at Chant for occupying all of his waking thoughts and for ruining his investigation. Calling Chant’s hands beautiful—his hands? They were very nice, but they were hardly the part of Chant’s anatomy that intrigued him the most—and eventually telling Chant he would give him everything.
Gale drew a shuddering breath. What in the hell had got into him?
Was this what it was like to be in love? Did it make a man stupid?

To celebrate the release of A Husband for Hartwell, JA & Lisa are giving away a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
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About JA Rock:
J.A. Rock is the author of over twenty LGBTQ romance, suspense, and horror novels, as well as an occasional contributor to HuffPo Queer Voices. J.A.’s books have received Lambda Literary, INDIEFAB, and EPIC Award nominations, and The Subs Club received the 2016 National Leather Association-International Novel Award. 24/7 was named one of the best books of 2016 by Kirkus Reviews. J.A. lives in Chicago with an extremely judgmental dog, Professor Anne Studebaker.
About Lisa:
Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.
Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn’t know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she’s too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.
She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.
She shares her house with too many cats, a dog, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.
Lisa has been published since 2012, and was a LAMBDA finalist for her quirky, awkward coming-of-age romance Adulting 101, and a Rainbow Awards finalist for 2019’s Anhaga.
To connect with Lisa on social media, you can find her here:
She also has a Facebook group where you’ll be kept in the loop with updates on releases, have a chance to win prizes, and probably see lots of lots of pictures of her dog and cats. You can find it here: Lisa Henry’s Hangout.