Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: True Knight
SERIES: Prosper Woods Chronicles (Book #0.5)
AUTHOR: Patricia Logan
PUBLISHER: Westburg Publishing Corp.
LENGTH: 134 pages
RELEASE DATE: March 23, 2021
My name is Romeo Harmon and I’m the new sheriff of Prosper Woods, a small California town smack dab in the middle of the sequoia forest. People around here tell me the town hasn’t changed a whole hell of a lot since power lines and telephones were installed. It’s a quaint place with a movie theater that shows the old classics, a saloon with a decent choice of beer, a general store with a grumpy old coot behind the till, a gas station with a pimply young mechanic, and a bed and breakfast that attracts tourists and vacation money.
I think I’m gonna like it here.
My name is Vincent Lasco. I’ve searched a long time to find a new place to settle down. Because of what I am, I need to pull up stakes and start over every twenty years or so—before people realize that I don’t age anymore. Prosper Woods has everything a man like me could ever want. Though there aren’t many humans, it doesn’t really matter. I’m so old, I don’t need to eat very often and there’s no reason to expose myself to the locals whom I hope to call friends some day.
I think I’m gonna like it here.
There’s newcomers in town. Prosper Woods is a nice place as long as you’re passing through. I wonder how long these folks will stay once they find out what’s really going on here. Somehow…
I don’t think they’re gonna like it here.
(True Knight is the prequel to the Prosper Woods Chronicles and includes an excerpt from True Mate, the first book in the new series)
What is it with my favorite authors and their need to try to make me become a paranormal lover?
Romeo “Rome” Harmon is the new sheriff for the quaint little town of Prosper Woods in Northern California. After the busy life of a police officer with the LAPD this is going to be a cake walk…or so the thinks. Not even in town 48 hours and his world is turned upside down. How is he suppose to come to grips with the fact that the man who has swept him away is a freaking vampire but also that the woods surrounding his new town is full of supernatural beings???
Patty Logan has went and turned my world on end just like she did poor Rome’s. Not only has she pushed my comfort zone with vampires and werewolves…I mean that is somewhat what I could come to grips with but then she challenges me with a whole freaking town of different kinds of “Supes”! And that last chapter…just Oh Wow!
I can’t give away any more but you won’t be able to put this prequel book down once you start. Be prepared to be challenged and dazzled with each chapter. Oh and I thought sex she wrote before was hot but this book practically burns your hands!