Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Playing with a Lawyer
SERIES: A Paranormal’s Love
AUTHOR: Charlie Richards
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books Inc.
LENGTH: 102 pages
RELEASE DATE: April 9, 2021
Lawyer Jory Dartmore runs across some confusing points in a case file. He calls the ex-employee who’d been working on the file, Attain Walsh, but his phone is picked up by the man’s lover, Ssimeas. When Ssimeas tells Jory that Attain is unavailable for a while, he invites Jory to the ranch for dinner and to speak with Attain afterward. Jory accepts, curious about the man who’d won the heart of Attain, a confirmed bachelor.
Jory enjoys the meal and the company before slipping into an office to speak privately with Attain. When he opens the door to leave, he comes face to face with…something other. To Jory’s eternal embarrassment, he faints.
Biscane would forever feel horrible for freaking out his mate, even though he wasn’t trying to. He was just heading upstairs with his breakfast when a scent catches his attention. He can’t resist pausing to sniff around the door. While growling with delight at the delicious aroma…the door opens, and Jory appears. Fortunately, Biscane’s gargoyle reflexes and strength make it easy to catch him.
Upon finding out that Jory is a high-profile lawyer working at a firm with at least one homophobe, can Biscane figure out a way to bring his human round to the idea of sharing a life with him?
Jory is a lawyer who is quite successful. When working on a case, something seems off. He reaches out to a former colleague, Attain Walsh, who has left the firm and moved to a ranch to be with his lover, Ssimeas. Ssimeas invites Jory out to the ranch to meet with Attain and Jorey agrees. He wants to see his colleague and find out what’s going on with him. He’s quite surprised when he gets to the ranch and meets Ssimeas, Bodb, and Nicholas, the owner of the ranch. Bodb and Nicholas are engaged and Jory is as little surprised at Ssimeas and Bodb’s appearance – because they are really tall and well built. But he’s happy to see Attain again and it’s nice to be away from the office.
While Attain and Jory are going over the case information, Biscane, one of the gargoyle enforcers awakens from his roost and comes to the house for some food – after nearly being waylaid by LeeAnn, someone he’d slept with in the past, but has no desire to continue seeing. While eating his meal, he smells something enticing. While following the scent, he stumbles on Jory – or rather Jory stumbles on him, and Jory, having never seen a living gargoyle before, faints Luckily Biscane is quick on his feet and catching Jory. But somehow LeeAnn is there, and she’s not too happy that Biscane has found he mate. Biscane goes into protective mode and leaves with Jory. But of course he has to explain things to Jory when he comes too. He gets some help and it turns out that Jory isn’t that freaked out. He’s seen a demon before, so he’s not that surprised that other non-human things are exist as well
This is great for Biscane, because it makes explaining things a little easier.
Of course things cannot go too smoothly though, and LeeAnn keeps turning up like a bad penny. She’s a real pain to everyone. And Biscane is still worried about Jory so his friends help watch over him while Biscane roosts. Jory, for his part, is rather excited about the prospect of being with Biscane and he doesn’t want to wait. But after they finish their bonding, they get even MORE trouble. But Biscane is not going to let anyting happen to Jory
I really liked this story. Jory is a great character and I loved that he didn’t freak out beyond his fainting. Biscane is so worried that something will happen to Jory and he’s determined to keep him safe. Turns out his feeling that LeeAnn would cause trouble was spot on. The rest of the team at the ranch, shifter, vampires, gargoyles and humans, band together to make sure the Biscane and Jory get their HEA. While the tropes of these books are similar, I thought this couple was particularly well written and I enjoyed them getting together. Recommended for fans of this series and paranormal stories.