What is your favorite MM read in the past year and what is one of your favorite all time?
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Andy Gallo writes mostly college age, low angst mm romance. His stories capture how he wished he’d spent his formative years, instead of how it really happened. Unfortunately for his characters, they find themselves infused with some of Andy’s less noble qualities.
A hopeless romantic, Andy writes seated next to a hundred-year-old Smith Brothers typewriter he inherited from his grandfather. He also dreams of superheroes and wizards and sees no reason why two men with superpowers can’t fall in love just like everyone else. Although not all his stories have a paranormal bent, a touch of the supernatural never derailed a good read in his mind.
Married and living his happy every after, Andy helps others find their happy endings in the pages of his stories. He and his husband of more than twenty-five years spend their days rubbing elbows with other parents as they raise their daughter. Embracing his status as the gay dad, Andy sometimes has to remind others that one does want a hint of color even when chasing after their child.
If you want to learn more about Andy, his books or just post pictures of hot men or silly memes, join him in his reader group. New friends are always welcome.
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Of the past year, there’s been so many but I’ll choose Demons Do It Better by Louisa Masters. It has grumpy/sunshine, humor, and drunk Sam. The entire series is fantastic btw. Of all time, I think would be That Irresistible Poison by Alessandra Hazard. Paranormal is my go-to genre and this book has enemies to lovers, close proximity and mind melds. Thank you for the chance!
I really enjoyed Constant (Valespian Pact series) by Lexi Ander that came out last year. I have reread it many times. My all time favorite would Whyborne & Griffin series by Jordan L. Hawk. Wonderful world building, diverse characters and light humor make the series my go to when I need pick me up.
One of my favorite mm reads of last year is the Missing Pieces serie by Nr Walker. I also did enjoy A Sweet Man (The Men of Halfway House #7) by Jaime Reese
Last year, I loved Lily Morton’s MERRY MEASURE, and the mangas OUR DINING TABLE (by Mita Ori) and (not new, but new to me) Wasou Miyakoshi’s FALLING IN LOVE UNDER THE BLUE SKY. All-time favorites include Clare London’s SAY A LITTLE PRAYER, Eden Winters’ DIVERSION, and (not strictly m/m because the main character shapeshifts into different sexes, but still) Andrea Lawlor’s PAUL TAKES THE FORM OF A MORTAL GIRL.
My favorite of 2020 was A Guy Walks Into My Bar by Lauren Blakely. My all time favorite is probably Amy Lane’s Beneath the Stain.
Favorite read so far this year is My Best Friend’s Brother KC Wells. Probably my favorite of all time is Giving Chase Riley Hart.
Last year my favourite was The Man From Milwaukee by Ricky R Reed.
Choosing one favourite is really difficult for me, but I’ll go with Muscling Through by JL Merrow
I have several on my favorite’s list of 2020 but I’d have to say A Guy Walks Into My Bar by Lauren Blakely and When You Come Back to Me by Emma Scott. My all-time favorite is the Cut & Run series by Abigail Roux.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favourite book is read this year is King of the Dark by Ariana Nash, really intriguing and compelling. My favourite of all time differs but currently it’s A Matte of Time series by Mary Calmes, I just love Jory and Sam
There has been so many favorites this year already, lol. But I’ll select Zander by Carly Marie. All time favorite …yeah can’t decide, sorry

The past year I would have to pick Wolfsong series by Tj Klune. My single one I go to re-read is Frog by Mary Calmes
Unnatural by Alessandra Hazard, and all time favorite Heated rivalry by Rachel Reid
I rarely do singular faves. but in this case would have to say N.R. Walker’s Tallowwood
no favs
Very good question. Can I put in 5 or 6 answers? I would have to say The Chosen One/Hellhound Champions series by Macy Blake & the Weaver’s Circle by Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott.
I am going to choose the entire Mythmatched series or universe of E.J. Russell. I am very into fantasy types books right now and these have great cast of characters. I don’t have an all time favorite. There are several that reside in a favorites group. One chosen at random is Greeting Cards by Tinnean. It was just so sweet.
I hate these kinds of questions. I love so many books that I don’t know what to choose. I also read about a book a day, so things tend to blur. Recently, I’ve been enjoying all the Magic Emporium books. For all-time favorite I’ll say anything Michele Notaro writes.
my favorite of all time is always by kindle alexander and my favorite in the past year was wood by ae via
I really enjoyed Off Balance by Jay Hogan, as well as the Southern Lights series.
My all time favorite book is Atonement, part of The Protectors series by Ms. Sloane Kennedy. There is just something about Dante that tugs my heart. It is still my favorite, even after reading many many books in over 6 years in this genre. For last year, I read a lot of books as well, but the one that stuck in my mind are Wood by A.E. Via, Obsessed, The Protectors 13 by Sloane Kennedy and Endangered Species by Onley James. They blew my mind.
On the Wings of War (Soulbound 5) was my favourite read last year
The Metahuman Files series also by Hailey Turner is my favourite read all time
Jingle Bell Rock by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine is my favorite read in the last year. My all time favorite is The Temptation series by Ella Frank.
Favorite of least year? It was a split between Bitter Pill and Witchbond.
Favorite of all time? Thirds series.
Wood by A.E. Via is one of my favorites from last year. My all time favorite is Good-time Boys by Carol Lynne because it’s the book that got me started on m/m books.
The past year was In the Wreckage by Hailey Turner.
My all time favorite would be Thirds or Soulbond
This is like making me choose my favourite child! My favourite of the last year is more an author than an individual book. I got Badlands by Morgan Brice and then had to read them all along with the Witchbane series.
Faviourite of all time has got to be The Marshalls series by Mary Calmes. They are my go to comfort reads.
This is the worst question!! But I will go with this year a favorite was Better Be Sure by Andy Gallo and Anyta Sunday. All time favorite would either be Gemini Keeps Capricorn by Anyta Sunday or The Weight of It All by NR Walker
I know this book is not from 2020 but it’s when I finally read it. Love Like the Medici by Edmond Manning was super fabulous and I wish there was more of the story.
So far, one of my favorite series is THIRDS from Charlie Cochet. Every time I listen to, especially book one, all my cares fly away because it always makes me laugh uncontrollably. I adore Dex!
Best book I read in 2020… hmmm After Felix by Lily Morton for sure and it’s my favorite of all time seeing as how I’ve read it more than 4 times since its release.