Love Bytes would like to welcome to their blog author C.P. Harris!
C.P. is here to share an exclusive excerpt of new release “The Boy Who Loved Wicked”, And brought an amazing gieaway just for our readers!
Welcome C.P.
“The madness of love is the greatest of heaven’s blessings.”
Day 1 of senior year at Denwin High was not supposed to end with my thoughts consumed by the new AP Philosophy teacher. I’d impatiently waited three years to take the course, but from the moment he strode in with his sad eyes that mirrored my own, I was intrigued by only him.
Dr. Sebastian Wicked.
Intrigue turned into obsession, and common interests set the stage for a tentative friendship with the enigmatic man. In time, every line put in place became blurred as what we shared sparked the flames of a forbidden affair. An affair that should’ve never been, a wrong that the universe sought to right.
There was only one possible outcome—we were both going to burn. Would our love rise up from the ashes? Or would it smolder in the ruins?
My name is Phoenix Michaelson, and I am the boy who loved Wicked.
Tropes: -Student-Teacher, Hurt-Comfort, Age Gap, Size Difference, Virgin MC, Possessive MC
Buy Link: Amazon
Settling onto the top step of the porch and setting down my hot cup of cocoa—which Phoenix insisted needed marshmallows—I picked up my new journal and skimmed a finger over the inscription: From the boy who loved Wicked.
I retrieved the pen from its slot along the spine, and my heart warmed at the same engraving along the steel encasing. I sought out Phoenix who busied himself making snow angels in the yard, something I declined to participate in. A memory resurfaced from my childhood of me staring out of the arched windows of our second floor library, watching the neighbors’ children do the same in the distance. Of resting a palm against the glass hoping to feel their jubilation before being called downstairs by Mother to go over my studies with my tutor.
Opening to the first page of my journal, I catalogued everything about Phoenix in the snow. The way the sun highlighted his hair, painting a clear picture of the golden-haired boy he had been as a child. The way it transformed his eyes from a blue at the bottom of a gas flame, to a heavenly shade found only in the sky. And his smile that touched his ears whenever he caught me marveling at him. Phoenix was like a flower fully bloomed in the summertime. Petals stretched and welcoming.
Just then, something cold hit the side of my head, leaving me sputtering and shaking off the pages of my journal and setting it aside. Laughter came from the right of me. “Did you throw snow at me?” I asked incredulously, standing and brushing the wet, cold whiteness off me.
“It’s called a snowball, Bash,” he said, out of breath. He curled into his angel, hands clutching his stomach.
I gawked with my arms held out at my sides, unsure of whether to be horrified, shocked, angry, or plain cold. The budding annoyance drained from me when his laughter dried up and a true look of worry spread across his handsome face. I made my way down the stairs, gathered snow into my hands and launched it at him.
We spent what felt like hours ducking behind trees and sneaking stealthily around the house and the neighboring woods in search of one another, and then launching attacks. By the time we stumbled through the door and huddled in front of the fireplace, I was no longer the boy in the window.
C.P. Harris Author Bio:
After strolling aimlessly in search of her purpose, a dream one April morning helped the puzzle pieces click into place for C.P. Harris. That dream turned into her first novel Surviving the Merge. Now securely rooted in her destiny, C.P. has no plans of looking back and every intention of fulfilling her life’s calling— if her teenage twins and her cats will let her. Romance is where her heart is, but she has plans to spread her wings across genres.

Sounds like a very good read.
sounds like a great story
The photo is gorgeous and the blurb simply wonderful. How could anyone not want to read this book?
Sounds like a very good story.
sounds great
congrats on the new release
sounds interesting
looks interesting
I love the cover and want to read more more more,
Gorgeous cover. The book sounds fab! Much success.
New to me author. Checked the reviews on Amazon and they say this is a great read. All the feels. Look forward to reading.
Sounds great!! Cant wait to read.