Reviewed by Sadonna
TITLE: Forever
SERIES: Hunt&Cam4Ever
AUTHOR: Adira August
LENGTH: 397 pages
RELEASE DATE: February 26, 2021
….turn around…
“Lieutenant?” Woodward was there as if he’d materialized out of the lush greenery beyond the strip of grass. “Did you injure your left arm?”
Hunter looked down at his hand on his arm.
“Have you been feeling light-headed at all?” Wood asked.
“Yes,” Cam answered for him.
“Oh, God.” Avia started to rise.
“Please stay where you are,” Wood said, pulling his open collar aside, revealing a mic he spoke into. “I have a code xray ten at bungalow seventeen. Direct evac to Oceanside, cardiac teams in place asap.”
Cam was on his feet looking to Woodward for instructions.
“Get his I.D. and any medications he’s on.”
Cam shoved the chair back and ran for the door.
“I’m sorry. Don’t leave me,” Hunter’s voice was thick. A tear slid down from the outside corner of one eye.
Sirens sounded in the near distance.
Avia was next to his chair with her arms around his shoulders. “He’ll never leave you, Hunter, he just went to get something.”
Panicked, Hunt tried to rise. “No! I don’t need it. Don’t let him go to the store!” He knocked the table over trying to get up, to follow Cam.
Woodward caught him as he slumped to the floor.
……………..from Shadow Men, Hunt&Cam4Ever Book 7
- This is what happened next.
“…forever’s gonna start tonight…”
NOTE: This is the eighth book in this series. It needs to be read in order. Trust me on this. DO NOT read this before book 7. There are major spoilers here for the series and really it won’t make sense without the series context
Hunt has experienced a traumatic and frightening health event at the end of Book 7, Shadow Men. Now both Hunt and Cam must recover and rebuild. In some respects, they have to go back to the very beginning of their relationship. This story is about about going back to the foundation of these characters and understanding them and individuals and within their relationship and taking it to yet another level. Hunt’s recovery is dependent on Cam and Cam’s whole life is dependent on Hunt. It’s readily apparent that this will be the hardest thing either of them have ever faced – and we know that they’ve been through a lot already. Thankfully there is a lot of support for both men – family, Woodward, doctors, colleagues, etc.
One of the most fascinating characters in this series is Woodward. He is an integral character in Book 7 and continues on in a different capacity in Book 8. I’m hoping in future books we learn even more about this enigmatic character who provides protection and guidance and care to both Cam and Hunter. Every chapter I feel like I learned more about Wood – but the reveal is slow and I feel like we’ve just scratched the surface. Other supporting characters from previous books make surprise appearances as well and I was thrilled to see them It’s clear that no one person knows the full Hunter Dane – maybe even Hunter himself. He’s definitely an onion and various layers have been peeled away by different people in his life. He’s such an enigma to so many of even his closest friends and colleagues.
Life and death are moving on while Hunter is dealing with his recovery. Hunter has already had to deal with so much death – both in his personal life and of course as a homicide detective, but he knows he will be called on to support someone else who is going to be facing death soon. One of my favorite past characters makes an appearance here in this storyline and by helping him, Hunter faces who he truly is and what his purpose is. This acceptance and acknowledgement of his power and gifts has a real impact on his recovery and helps him move on.
Parallel to this story, there is of course a case for the Unit. Twee and Merisi and Natani are joined by some new faces. Cory Windsor is a character we met in Book 7 – a former competitor of Cam’s who was a guest at the site of Cam and Hunt’s disastrous honeymoon. Deedee Davidson is a detective who joins the team – along with Ed Chang, a new lieutenant. This new configuration has to learn to work together and it’s fascinating to watch the relationships change and grow. The murder case is sad and heartbreaking and also horrific and maddening. And the layers that are uncovered are also weirdly and disturbingly fascinating. Sadly the circumstances are not far-fetched and in fact mirror actually cases. We get to experience the brilliance of this team and their police work to support the court case and this was very intriguing and eye-opening to me. I think why these “true crime” shows on TV are so compelling and popular
*Sigh* This was just so so so so good. I loved everything about it – even though there are some pretty painful moments, particularly for Hunter. I could not have wished for a better follow up to Book 7. As I stated last year, this series was one of my finds of the year in 2019 and Book 7 is on my top 10 books of 2020. I feel confident that this book will be in my top 10 of 2021, even though it’s early in the year Hunt and Cam are definitely one of my favorite couples of all time. I love both characters so very much.
What’s so powerful about this story is how strong the characters are in the face of so much adversity. That strength is reflected in not only all they have accomplished in their lives and in their relationship, but how much growth comes in this book comes through the acceptance of help. Both of these characters have been through a lot in their respective personal lives before they were a couple. While we know much of the story, both men have to dig deep and get very honest about everything if they are going to be able to move forward. That means dealing with pain and loss and despair adn uncertainty. They have each been the rock for the other, but they each also have to figure out how they can make space for themselves individually in their relationship. This is powerful stuff.
I would encourage everyone to read that author’s notes at the end of the book. She assures us that while this is the last book in this particular series, it’s not the last story of Hunt and Cam – they are Forever I am looking forward to any other stories of this couple and the supporting characters. There are a lot of “loose threads” and dangling storylines here in this book that I believe will lead to more stories – particularly around some of the Unit members and I for one look forward to them. As I stated in my review of Book 7, these characters are worthy of their own books – Merisi and Twee especially are favorites that I’d love to read more about.
I highly recommend this whole series. Absolutely brilliant and compelling and heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful series and one of the most compelling and well-written couples in any genre. Their love story just keeps building and growing in an always fascinating trajectory. Brava!!
Yay! Can’t wait to read it.
Thank you so much, Sadonna, for another in-depth, thoughtful review. I’m so very glad you liked it.
For anyone who didn’t read *The Interrogation* because it’s not actually part of Hunt&Cam4Ever, even though it is a Hunt&Cam case, Chang and Davidson came from that book.
I’m taking a bit of hiatus to write new m/f romance, but then we’ll have a Twee-focused case.
Thanks again,