6 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I remember reading about the death of your daughter years ago when I first discovered your books. The memory is as fresh for me as if it just happened. I cannot imagine how it must be for you.

    This new book sounds amazing. Another for me to enjoy.

    I guess if I’m on this email list I’m automatically entered in the giveaway since I couldn’t locate a way to enter.

    I live just west of the DFW airport and am currently enjoying the sounds of water dripping off the wind chimes at the front door. I hope you weathered the storm well. Good luck with your writing. Stay warm and may spring last for months!

  2. J. Shannon
    J. Shannon at |

    I like the Missy Elliott and Hozier on the playlist.

  3. leetee2007
    leetee2007 at |

    interesting playlist – I haven’t heard of quite a few!
    this sounds like a great read, congrats on the new release

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the play list. There’s a lot on the list i’ve never heard before.

  5. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I shall have to explore this play list.

  6. zeoanne
    zeoanne at |

    Interesting blurb. I haven’t seen many books written about cycling competition. Would be nice/interesting to read it.


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