TM Smith monthly guest post – Get it done in 2021!

Welcome, welcome 2021! Everyone is sincerely hoping you have much better manners than your predecessor, no pressure, of course. I do hope you guys had an amazing Holiday and New Year, I went to Colorado with family and my nieces got to see snow for the first time. But now I find myself looking at last years goals while working on my goals for this new year. Oh boy, 2020 really kicked me in the teeth, that’s all I’ll say. Let’s take a peak at a snippet from my post here 365 days ago…

What’s up Love bytes viewers? Can you believe it’s already 2020? It’s very surreal just how fast the past decade flew by, and how much has changed over those 10 years. It’s been nearly 7 years since I published my first book, Opposites, and almost 5 since I published the first book in the All Cocks stories, the series that really put me on the map with readers. Over the years I’ve learned so much and continually worked to better myself as an Author, to create books and stories that truly resonated with readers. So, I’ve decided to pull all of the All Cocks stories. Revise, add additional content, rebrand and rerelease this series. At the moment I’m putting everything else on hold while I dive into this adventure fervently. The last couple of books I released weren’t as well received as my novels in the past, which caused me to do some self reflection in aspects to my craft. I feel like I need to go back and remember what started me on the path to becoming an Author in the first place, to get reacquainted with the characters I created that reached out and pulled you guys, my readers, into the books.

Well… I did do, some of those things. I made it through April, through rewrites and additions to Gay for Pay and Fame and Fortune, and then COVID happened. And with the ushering in of a completely new way of life, my urge to write and create crawled right out the door. I did rebrand the series, got new covers and even uploaded a box set with all 7 books to Amazon. Plotted out a couple of other stories, got covers for them, but never could make myself finish the books. I quite literally had the worst writers block in history, as far as I’m concerned at least. Hours upon hours, days spent sitting at the computer and just staring at an open DOC, it wasn’t pretty. I still have the urge to write, I feel like maybe I need to take a different approach not only to my craft, but to the stories I weave as well. Wouldofs, couldofs, and maybe so’s have dominated my life as of late, with no energy or need to do much more than work and watch TV. But I’m determined to shake that shit off and make 2021 my bitch! I feel like my trip out of town, out of my little corner in my bedroom where my desk now holds two computers (the day job since we’re working from home, and my personal computer) allowed me to push the refresh button and my brain is a little bit clearer. So, I’m not giving up, no towels being thrown over here, not yet! I’m going to start working on something new, something different, something I can fall in love with again like I have with my characters in the past. And, fingers crossed, bring my readers something new and fresh in 2021. 

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I hope you all have a fabulous New Year, see you next month!

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