Why do I write fantasy? The truth is, that I don’t, well not generally. Historically, I have written almost exclusively contemporary and haven’t thought seriously about fantasy, other than a few stories here and there. It was a conscious effort to try to bring my love of reading fantasy forward into writing it. Even then, it starts in a contemporary setting and I build up to it. Once I get there, however, I throw myself into it one-hundred-percent.
Curious sticks, flying panthers, a city built on a dragon, a prince, a soldier and a world where gay is another word for joy. However, through the glitter, the talking trees and friendly fairies are threads of a far more serious nature. Fairy tales are not all mushroom rings and dancing fey. For every beam of light is a demon lurking in the shadows.
Tay is an ordinary boy who discovers he’s a fairy prince in the worst possible way. Unlike many in literature whose only problem has been adjusting to a world that works on different rules, Tay has deeper problems to wrestle with, starting with the shocking realization that the people he had always seen as his parents are not his family at all.
In the space of a day, he discovers that he’s adopted, his foster brother is a fairy, his best friend is possessed, he has a whole new family who is waiting for him in a place he didn’t know existed, and he has to leave the only life he has ever known, with no chance of going back, and walking blind into another one where people want to kill him and his only link to anything “normal” is a friend who is slowly turning evil. In book one, his sole focus is saving his friend. He has something to work toward, to make him strong. In future books he will first come to terms with his new family, and then with his role within the kingdom, all the while fighting assassins, falling in love with an air elemental, and learning how to fight the demons and save the world. Through it all, he remains a “normal” teen with all the tears and tantrums that go with it.
Take a boy from the valleys and put him in the middle of a field full of living sticks and a demonic best friend and see where it runs…which turns out to be into the mouth of a dragon via a grove of unicorns.
Suddenly, Cale grabbed Tay’s arm, making him jump. “I couldn’t bear it, Tay. I couldn’t bear the thought of that happening again. I was half-mad. If I hadn’t been, I would never have done that to you. I swear.”
“It wasn’t you, Cale. It was the demon inside you.”
“That’s no excuse. I knew what I was doing. I just couldn’t stop.”
“Did you? Both times?”
Cale ducked his head and moaned, “I can’t believe I did that to your mother. I’m not the kind of person who would do that to any woman, especially her. What am I turning into?”
“Did you know what you were doing?”
“I don’t know. Kind of. It hurts. It kind of squeezes in my head and everything goes slow and misty. I know what’s going to happen, but I can’t stop it. I–I think I might be able to stop it, but…”
Cale’s head bowed lower, and at first, his words were too low for Tay to hear.
“I can’t hear you.”
“It hurts, Tay, and I’m a coward. I’m scared of the pain, scared it will get like it was before, so I let it happen. I’m so sorry. I am a demon. I am what he says I am. Maybe I should let him kill me.”
“Hey.” Tay grabbed Cale’s forearm. “Don’t talk like that. It will be all right. I’ll get this fixed, I promise.”
Cale raised his eyes, and for a moment, they were black. Tay recoiled, but when Cale blinked again, his eyes were normal. “You don’t know what it’s like. I can feel it. It’s evil. There’s nothing it wouldn’t do, and I’m scared of what it’s going to make me do next. What if it makes me kill you?”
“You wouldn’t let it do that.”
“I…I couldn’t stop it.”
“You would. I know you would. You’re my brother. You’d no more hurt me than I’d hurt you.”
“You might have to. If I try to hurt you, you have to kill me. Or let Willow do it. Promise me.”
“I can’t promise that. I can’t promise to hurt you. Cale, I…no.”
“Please. If I hurt you, if I killed you, I wouldn’t want to live. If it’s between the two of us, I want it to be me.”
“It won’t come to that.”
“But if it did…”
“No. I’m not going to talk about this. I won’t talk about it.”
Ignoring Cale’s tormented cry, Tay crashed through the woods and almost walked straight into Willow.

The book sounds quite good.
I’ll be checking this one out!
This sounds like a book I can sink my teeth into. Characters who I can spend time with. A plot that has layers to be peeled off and discoveries around each corner.
Thanks for what will prove to be great release.
Sounds like an interesting book. I’m looking forward to check it out.