One of our readers and new reviewer wanted to join into the celebration and is donating a $25 amazon gc to one lucky winner!
Thank you for your generosity Cheryl!
Answer this question to have a chance to win: “what was the first MM book you ever read”.
Cheryl’s was “Two Man Advantage” By Samantha Wayland (2016).
Thanks for joining the Celebration and your generosity, Cheryl!
My first MM read was Heatstroke by Taylor V. Donovan (2012)
I don’t actually remember the name of the first M/M book I ever read, It’s been a while…
cut & Run by Abigail Roux and Madeleine Urban. I did not like it that much…
Thank you for the chance and the generous prize to be given away. I can never remember which I read first because I read the other immediately after it. Leopards Spots #1 – Levi or Southwestern Shifters #1 – Rescued both series by Bailey Bradford.
My first MM was Snake Snack by Lisa Oliver. Thanks for the chance!
That was so long ago, that I am not sure any longer. It may have been the Vanyel trilogy by Mercedes Lackey or one of the Marion Zimmer Bradley books. Thanks for your generosity, I look forward to reading your reviews.
Him by Sarina Bowen, Elle Kenndy
I think it was Pray The Gay Away by Sara York but it was so long ago.
The Cut and Run series by Abigail Roux! Thank you!

Ethan by Nicole Edvards. I think it was 10 years ago. Loved it.
Embraced by Nicholas Bella ♥ Thank you for the chance!
Change of Heart by Mary Calmes was my first I think. Thank you for the chance!
can’t remember
It’s been a while, so I’m not sure what the first book was. I remember Crossing Borders by ZAM was one of the first.
Numbers by John Rechy. First published in 1967, I read it sometime in the 70s, furtive amongst the library shelves
Suzanne Brockmann’s Seal series and I.R. Ward’s Brotherhood series. Then I was hooked
My first M/M was Attracting Anthony by Amber Kell. Thank you for the chance!
I don’t recall, haven’t read one in a while sadly!!
The first MM book I ever read was The Wedding Planner by G.A. Hauser, and that was when the MM genre started to become a huge part of my life. <3
Good Time Boys by Carol Lynne
I don’t remember. It was about 1990 and they were only a few LGBT books to be found in my local library.
Try by Ella Frank
It’s been more than 10 years since then but I think it was Bent by Sean Michael, or at least it was the most memorable from when I started reading M/M romances (moving on from Yaoi)
I think my first MM book was from the Cut and Run series but it was so long ago…
The first one I ever read was Josh Lanyon’s Fatal Shadows
It was a long time ago but I’m pretty sure it was Thiefs Punishment by Alvinia Scarborough.
I first discovered MM reading The Angel by Tiffany Reisz, I just fell in love with Michael and Griff!
Thanks for the chance! My first was My Fair Captain by JL Langley. Still reread it!
Aw. My first American MM novel was Bareback by Chris Owen. I say “american” because I have been into MM romance through Yaoi. which for those that don’t know, is Japanese comics & also through BL Light Novels which is which is basically what their “gay romance novels” are called. So I have loved reading gay romance for a long, long, time but though NOW it’s also been a long time that I’ve been reading MM novels, it’s not as long as I have been reading Yaoi Manga & LN. but anyways… so the first one I read was Bareback by Chris Owen that my friend shared with me and told me to read it. I have never been so grateful. lol… It’ll always be a fond memory and that book/series has a special place in my heart~ <3