Reviewed by Danielle
TITLE: Deserted Justice
SERIES: The Asylum Fight Club #8
AUTHOR: Bianca Sommerland & Tibby Armstrong
PUBLISHER: Self Published
RELEASE DATE: August 25, 2020
LENGTH: 660 Pages
The winning contender always has an edge.
Even up against the ropes, Curtis Smith can tip the odds in his favor with his devil-may-care attitude. A long and happy life has always been a longshot, so he faces every comer with his own brand of beat-down. He can claim victory in almost any situation. Except figuring out how to win at love.
You have to go all in.
A loss in the ring can have its own challenges. And rewards. But as the submissive of two of The Asylum’s core owners, the label ‘club royal’ doesn’t leave many options for how Reed Dane can get his ‘crown’ to fit. Sweets and sparkles don’t exactly go with craving the darker side of kink.
Sometimes fate stacks the odds.
When disaster strands Reed in a sea of familiar faces, only one man’s care can keep him from losing the biggest fight of all—to survive. But without Curtis, how can he avoid a lasting knockout?
If the house has reached its limit.
Let me just start with WOW! This was one hell of a rollercoaster for sure. And “boy” did I enjoy it!
We go back, in a way, to one of the very first couples, Curtis and Reed. But where it starts with that, it continues to so much more.
All the core members are part of this story and not a new main couple so to speak and for me that made the story extra special.
It felt so incredibly good to reconnect with the core members that even some slight things I am not particularly fond of didn’t distract me from that closeness to the characters while reading this story.
The hard part for me is writing a review for a series that is so interconnected because so much that you want to say is in one way or another would spoil things for a couple of other books in the series.
Without going into too much detail, we see some switching happening in this book that for some reason just works and doesn’t feel strange at all. It is obvious this isn’t the book for you if you aren’t into multiple pairings neither is this the book for you if you aren’t into bdsm.
This book is for you if you enjoy a closeness between characters, a continuation of storylines with characters you are familiar with, a self-made family bonded by love and lust and more. This book is for you when you read the other books in the series and desperately want to read more of these men within the walls of the Asylum Fight Club. This book is for you if you don’t shy away of multiple sexual encounters and bdsm play in all forms.
Back to this 8th book. There is so much happening in these pages that seems to centre around Curtis and Reed but there is so much more! There is a huge drama that grabs you and doesn’t let you go. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and makes you want to keep reading. There is also a part in there that although it involves a few of my favorite characters, it just didn’t grab me too much. But with that being said, I happen to think it was needed for the overall storyline which worries me about how bad some of these men will have it coming…sigh..
There are some characters joining in some small snippets and I really would like to read their stories. Worth mentioning is Sin and Tay but especially I am seriously very anxious to read more Ez and Garrett like please!!
Thanks to the authors for taking a chance with this 8th book. For going back to the core members and adjusting/resetting or whatever you want to call it their stories. I didn’t expect to like it that much and also feel ok with it
RATING: (more like 4.75 hearts)