Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: Elf Defence by Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey

Adventures in Aguillo, Book 2
Royal envoys Calarian and Benji embark on a quest in the alpine duchy of Tournel. Things go rapidly downhill when the duke plummets to his death from the tower wall. Whoops—that’s going to be hard to explain. And it’s not as though they can just grab the nearest human and make him the new duke.
Or can they?
Enter one Lars Melker, a slightly gullible cowherd built entirely of muscles and sunshine, who happily accepts their word when they tell him he’s the duke now.
Soon Calarian and Benji are knee deep in teaching Lars how to fake it until he makes it. They’re also dealing with mountain trolls, a monster, a missing cow, and, most shocking of all, a growing realisation that their elves-with-benefits arrangement might be turning into something with feelings.
Add in their mutual attraction to Lars, and suddenly the hills are alive with the sound of emotionally compromised collectivist anarchist elves.
Also, what’s the deal with those leather shorts?
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Calarian undressed and relaxed into the tub of steaming water. He leaned his head back against the thick edge of the tub and closed his eyes. His muscles ached, but he harboured a definite sense of a job well done. Calarian just hoped Lars was as impressed with his efforts as he was. He took a cloth and washed the troll-and-pond stench off him, and speculated idly as to what Lars looked like naked in the bath. The door swung open wildly, slammed against the wall, and bounced back again. “Ouch,” said Benji. The door opened more slowly the second time, and Benji slunk inside the room rubbing his forehead. He squinted through the steam at Calarian and crunched on a piece of gingerbread. “What took you so long in town? I’m bored.” “How do you have so much gingerbread?” Calarian asked. “Give me some.” “It’s mine,” Benji said, hugging it to his chest. “But I’ll give you some if you’re nice to me.” Calarian grinned up at him. “How nice?” Benji snapped a leg off a gingerbread man and popped it into his mouth. “I don’t know, but you’d better figure it out before I finish this, or there’ll be none for you.” Calarian didn’t bother with nice. He reached out and hugged Benji around the knees, pulling him into the tub with a loud splash. “My gingerbread!” Benji exclaimed. He scrabbled around in the tub for it. “It’s all soggy!” He held up his one-legged gingerbread man and the head fell off into the bathwater. Calarian fished it out and dropped it over the edge of the tub. It hit the floor with a splat. “Are you seriously sitting in this bath with me, when I’m naked and slippery and frankly gorgeous, complaining about the state of your gingerbread?” Benji plucked at his wet shirt and arched his brows. “Would you like me to complain about the state of my clothes instead?” Calarian shrugged. “They could do with a wash anyway.” Benji rolled his eyes. “Dick.” Calarian grinned. “It’s right there, yeah.” That earned him another eye roll, but Benji shifted, sliding more comfortably into Calarian’s lap, his legs bracketing his hips. He lifted one foot out of the water. “You can at least take my boots off, arsehole.” Calarian struggled with the slippery leather. “For starters, yes.” Once Calarian had wrestled his boots off, it was the work of moments to have Benji naked, his clothes a sodden pile on the floor. Then Benji flicked his dripping hair over his shoulder, shrugged, and said, “Since you’re already down there…” He slid down onto Calarian’s dick which had plumped up nicely with anticipation, wriggling until he got it nicely nestled between the cheeks of his arse. He rocked forward slightly, and then back again, squeezing his cheeks tightly enough to make Calarian moan. Then, just when Calarian wasn’t expecting it, he leaned forward quickly and bit him on the nipple. “Ouch!” Benji leaned back, grinning. “That’s for my gingerbread.” “Fair.” Calarian shrugged. “Want to bite the other one?” Benji obliged, and Calarian shivered at the sharp sting and the bolts of pleasure that shot through him. He’d have to dunk Benji’s gingerbread more often.

To celebrate the release of Elf Defence, Lisa & Sarah are giving away a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a5789/?

Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.
Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn’t know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she’s too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.
She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.
She shares her house with too many cats, a dog, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.
Lisa has been published since 2012, and was a LAMBDA finalist for her quirky, awkward coming-of-age romance Adulting 101, and a Rainbow Awards finalist for 2019’s Anhaga.
To connect with Lisa on social media, you can find her here:
Website Facebook Instagram Goodreads Bookbub Twitter
She also has a Facebook group where you’ll be kept in the loop with updates on releases, have a chance to win prizes, and probably see lots of lots of pictures of her dog and cats. You can find it here: Lisa Henry’s Hangout.
Sarah lives in Western Australia with her partner, two cats, two dogs and a TARDIS.
A teacher once told her life’s not a joke.
She begs to differ.
Her proudest achievements include having kids who will still be seen with her in public, and knowing all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody.
Elf Defence is her second published novel.
You can connect with Sarah on Facebook, or send her an email at sarahhoneywriting@gmail.com.