Today we have a new author participating in our Saturday Specials Feature!
Please let’s welcome to Love Bytes,
Tell us a bit about yourself, please
My name is Ofelia Gränd and I live in rural Sweden with my husband, four children, one dog, two cats, two bunnies, two hamsters, eight hens and two roosters, one tarantula, and an aquarium with various amount of fish. I don’t have a driver’s license so I’m pretty much stuck here. Had I been able to drive I might have escaped by now LOL. Nah, just kidding.
What got you into writing?
I’ve always like stories, but what got me writing was being in a reading slump. I told myself that since I couldn’t find a story I liked, I might as well write one myself. In the beginning, I wrote M/F romances in Swedish (nothing published) but then I snagged a prompt in a Don’t Read in the Closet event over at Goodreads, and the rest is history.
What book(s) have you written?
I mostly write short, some stories are a little longer, but most often I write short stories, novelettes and novellas, so they’re starting to add up. This year I’ve written four stories in my Up North series (contemporary, standalone, M/M romances) and a couple of paranormals to spice things up.
What genre do you write in?
I mostly write M/M contemporary and paranormal, but on occasion, I write a little sci-fi and a little horror.
What drew you to that genre?
I always say that paranormal romance is my favourite genre because it gives me an escape from reality. And I still claim that. I love vampires and werewolves, psychics and magic users. But… This year, I’ve written more contemporary than I have paranormal, perhaps because the world is in chaos and what used to be everyday life isn’t everyday life anymore.
Do you have prefered tropes?
I have many! I think of all tropes, hurt-comfort is my favourite. I do love a traumatized hero finding his HEA. But I like fated mates, second chances, opposite attracts, nerds, and soon Christmas is upon us so we have to have some trapped/snowed in together too.
A book that changed you...
I don’t have a specific book that changed me. Or maybe that’s untrue. I’m dyslexic so reading was always anxiety-ridden growing up. My mum had some of my grandmother’s books in the attic, and there was a box with the Cherry Ames books by Helen Wells (hospital mysteries from the 1940s) and we read them together. Not out loud, I read them to myself and she read them too. Then we talked about them. I think it was the first time I realised reading could be fun—there was no time pressure, no one who noticed if I forgot words or missed letters, no one who would cross-examine me afterword to see if I’d understood what I’d read, just Mum and I talking about Cherry Ames.
What do you read for fun?
I read M/M, M/F and on occasion F/F books, most often paranormal. I’m also a huge fan of short fiction. I‘m a slow reader, and I like to be able to finish a story without it taking me an eternity, and short fiction is great for that.
A book you wish someone would write…
I have no idea LOL. Trying to sort out what I should write is quite enough—the want-to-write pile is a mile high—but the world will always need more books, so I think writers should keep on writing what they want to write because readers want different things. And it’s important there is diversity out there.
What are your pet peeves (in books or otherwise)?
Speech tags! I’m sorry, but I’m allergic. I’m not saying you can’t use them. Go ahead, as long as you can count them on your ten fingers at the end of the novel, you’re okay in my book. More than that and you risk ending up in my DNF pile. Yes, I’m aware of being extreme, and if the story is good I can endure, but it gives me a rash.
Do you have a secret (or not so secret) talent?
No, not really. I once held a Swedish record in air rifle shooting. That usually throws people LOL.
What is the first LGBTQIA+ book you read?
I don’t remember. I’m a teacher, haven’t worked as one for more than ten years, but during my teacher education I studied queer theory, so there we read quite a few stories. Those were mostly literary, though. The first M/M romance book I read, I don’t remember either, but I stumbled upon it by mistake on Goodreads and figured why not. I think it was about a pirate. I’ve tried to find it, but I haven’t checked it as read on my Goodreads profile, and I don’t remember the plot, title or author so I think it’s forever lost.
What are your thoughts on audiobooks?
You’d think as a dyslectic, I’d be all for audiobooks, right? And I’ve listened to quite a few, but I prefer to read. I listen to everything I write before sending it anywhere, everything, these answers too, but stories I prefer to be told in my own inner voice. It’s great audiobooks exist, though.
Do you have a favorite place for reading?
No, not really. I read on my phone, so anywhere I can find a quiet spot works for me.
Do you have a subject that’s extra close to your heart?
Not really. I mean, we all have things we’re passionate about, and equality and representation are high on my list. People will claim writing trashy romances never will do anything to help those things along, but I disagree. I could rant about how reading fiction increases empathy and understanding, how important it is to find characters you can identify with, and why writers of diverse fiction, therefore, are vital and so on, but I’m gonna spare you the lecture. I haven’t, after all, taught a class in eleven years LOL.
This makes me smile…
This is where I say my children and not a cup of coffee, right? My darling kids. When the hens come running across the lawn when they see me because they think I have a snack (have you seen hens run? It’s impossible not to smile). My husband. Waking up in the morning, go downstairs, put on the coffee maker, sit down by the computer in complete silence, and write with my author buddies scattered around the world.
Ofelia Gränd is Swedish, which often shines through in her stories. She likes to write about everyday people ending up in not-so-everyday situations, and hopefully also getting out of them. She writes contemporary, paranormal, romance, horror, Sci-Fi and whatever else catches her fancy.
Her books are written for readers who want to take a break from their everyday life for an hour or two.
When Ofelia manages to tear herself from the screen and sneak away from husband and children, she likes to take walks in the woods…if she’s lucky she finds her way back home again.
Ofelia brought a giveaway for one of our readers
Have a chance to win an eCopy of her backlist by leaving a comment on this wonderful post
I enjoyed the interview and look forward to reading more of your books.
Thank you
great post enjoyed reading
Thank you
Hi. If we are new to your books, which book to you recommend we start with?
Oh, I guess that depends on what you like reading. If you like contemporary, then perhaps a story from the Up North series, they’re all standalone so whatever piques your interest. If you enjoy paranormal, then Elevator Pitch is short and sweet
I first became aware of Ofelia Gränd when I read “From All of Us to All of You.” I’ve been a fan ever since! Thank you for giving more reason to enjoy your work.
You read that?! That’s ages ago, thank you so much <3
I need you to write more in the “It Doesn’t Translate” world.
I meant to! It was the plan all along, but… We’ll see
Thank you for the fun interview. I love your stories. They’re always unique.
Thank you <3
That was a great [post. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you!
Thanks for the insightful interview.